10 Amazing Women Who Changed The World

We all know amazing women who arouse admiration for their tenacity and dedication. Some of them made definitive contributions that, in many cases, marked a before and after in history.
10 amazing women who changed the world

There are amazing women in all places and at all times. Some of them have stood out for their decisive role in some relevant field or episode. Of others we do not know the names and they have remained hidden under the haze of oblivion.

What these amazing women have in common is their commitment to some cause or their determination to achieve some worthy goal. All of them not only had to challenge themselves to achieve what they wanted, but also had to face the negative perception of being women from many of their contemporaries.

The important thing is that they have remained as a  living testimony of female strength. Sure, there are many more, but this time we are going to talk about 10 amazing women who changed the world.

1. Fatima Al-Fihri

Fatima Al-Fihri’s contribution was decisive for Morocco. This woman was the daughter of a powerful merchant named Muhammad al-Fihri. With her father’s money, she could have lived comfortably until she died, but instead she became a pioneer : she founded the world’s first university. He did it in the year 859 of our era, in Fez. Today this center is the University of al-Qarawiyyin.

2. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

This judge and jurist, who died in 2020, was always a symbol of the fight for women’s rights, civic resistance and social justice. He is also considered a pop icon.

Although Ruth Bader Ginsburg came from a modest family, she performed brilliantly and became a member of the United States Supreme Court.

3. Maya Angelou, one of the amazing women who changed the world

Her real name was Marguerite Annie Johnson and she was born in St. Louis, Missouri, in a bad time for being a woman and a black woman: 1928.

She became a poet, writer, singer, and black civil rights activist. He cultivated the genre of autobiography and with it left a moving testimony of his time. President Barack Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2010.

4. Sofonisba Anguissola

Sofonisba Anguissola was a painter who lived during the Italian Renaissance. Unlike her male colleagues, she was forbidden to learn from the great masters, like all women of her time. However, she managed to educate herself and become a master in the art of portraiture. This is one of the amazing women who paved the way for other women.

5. Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony  is one of the women to whom the female vote is owed. She dedicated her entire life to fighting for women’s rights, along with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, with whom she founded the American Association for Equal Rights, in 1866. She was even arrested for voting without permission and was imposed a fine that she never paid. .

6. Virginia Apgar

Another amazing woman that history doesn’t always do justice to is Virginia Apgar. This American doctor was the first anesthesiologist in her country and made great contributions to obstetrics and pediatrics.

She created the Apgar test, a method to assess the health of the newborn baby. This has reduced infant mortality worldwide.

7. Jane Austen

This British novelist died when she was just 41 years old. However, his short life was enough to produce six novels that are considered emblematic of the realistic genre.

One of them, Pride and Prejudice , continues to be admired by critics of all kinds. His works captivate and delight both academics and the general public.

8. Josephine Baker

Josephine Baker deserves a place on the list of amazing women who changed the world. It is considered the first vedette and international female star of the planet.

Beyond this, he became a spy for the Nazis and fought his entire life for equality for blacks. She was known as the “Ebony Venus.”

9. Jeanne Baret

This daring woman was an adventurer who posed as a man in order to sneak into an expedition that intended to circumnavigate the planet. She was a botanist and was assisted in her efforts by her colleague Philibert Commerçon. However, they were discovered and ejected from the ship in Mauritius. Years later, she completed the world tour.

10. Clara Barton

Clara Barton was known as “The Angel of the Battlefield” during the Civil War in the United States. Years later, she would be the founder of the American Red Cross. He had an indomitable spirit and felt that it was his duty to save lives. Several times he managed to escape death during the war.

All of these amazing women are an example of tenacity and conviction. Even through thick and thin they managed to carry out their purposes and causes. All of humanity owes them a lot.

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