20 Tricky Riddles That Will Make Your Brain Sweat

Riddles entertain you and strengthen your brain function. Use all your creativity to solve these 20 riddles.

Riddles are playful exercises in which the aim is to use all logic and reasoning to solve a hidden mystery. This activity is useful for mental health because it allows activating cognitive functioning and strengthening memory.

In addition, it helps people learn to solve problems and reach their goals. Here are 20 riddles you can start training with.

1. The farmer

Let’s get started. A farmer has 10 rabbits, 20 horses, and 40 pigs. If one day he decides to call the pigs “horses”. How many horses is he going to have?

2. The night makes her the protagonist

I always lose my head in the morning, but get it back at night. That I am?

3. The apples in the basket

You have a basket of 7 apples and you are with 7 friends. You give each person one, but when looking at the basket there is still one there. What happened?

4. The broken element

We need it to be broken to enjoy its benefits. What is it?

5. The race

If you are competing in a track and field race and you overtake second, what position did you finish in?

6. The nines

What do you have to do so that four numbers 9 give as a result 100?

7. The family

A family consists of two parents and 6 children. In addition, each son has a sister. How many people are there?

8. The game of chess

Two people were playing chess and they both won. What happened?

9. The number sequence

Complete this sequence: 16, 06, 68, 88,?, 98. What number goes in the place of the question mark?

10. The month of the year

There is a month in which all people sleep less, what is it and why does it happen?

Keep reading: 7 ways of mental training to exercise your brain

11. Between spiders and beetles we pose riddles

One person hunted 8 spiders and beetles. These make up a total of 54 legs. How many animals do you have of each of these species?

12. Fishing riddles

One weekend two parents took their children fishing. Each person managed to catch a fish, but when they got to the house there were only three.

On the other hand, it is important to clarify that during the journey none was lost or cooked. What happened then?

13. The double presence

I am in everything and in nothing. Who I am?

14. The figure

I don’t have 4 sides, I don’t have 5. I have half of 6 sides, what am I?

15. The day of the year

The day before yesterday a young man was 15 years old, but next year he will be 18. What day is today?

16. The doors

A man drives a car until he comes across a gold door and a silver door. Which door opens first?

17. The fish

There are 20 fish in a tank, 5 drowned, 13 swam away, and 2 died. How many were left?

18. Face is everything

I have a face, but I have no arms or legs. That I am?

19. The great subtraction

How many times can the number 1 be subtracted from the number 1,111?

20. Another one of the riddles of following the sequence

We have this sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 8, 1. What number follows?

Riddle Answers

Did you want to know the solutions to all these riddles? Here we detail each of the answers.

1. The farmer

You will still have 20 horses, because what changes is the name and not the animal.

2. The night makes her the protagonist

That’s right, the correct answer was the pillow.

3. The apples in the basket

You gave one apple to the first 6 friends and to the last one you gave the basket with an apple inside.

4. The broken element

The egg, as we need it to be broken to be able to prepare and consume it.

5. The race

You happen to occupy the place of the competitor that you advanced, so you are in the second position.

6. The nines

What you have to do is the following mathematical operation: 99 + 9/9 = 100.

7. The family

9 people. The mother, the father, the 6 boys and a woman who is the same sister to all the children.

8. The game of chess

Each of the people won because they were playing against other opponents.

9. The number sequence

The number 78, because if all the numbers are looked backwards, an order is followed from left to right. That is, they become: 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 and 91.

10. The month of the year

February, because it is the month of the year with the fewest days.

11. Between spiders and beetles we pose riddles

There are 5 beetles and 3 spiders. The result is obtained by doing these mathematical operations:

  • 6 (# beetle legs) x 5 (# of beetles retained) = 30 legs.
  • 8 (# spider legs) X 3 (# of spiders retained) = 24 legs.
  • 30 legs + 24 legs = 54 legs.

12. Fishing riddles

It was the same family, therefore there were 3 people who were present in the fishing: the grandfather, his son and his grandson.

13. The double presence

The letter D, as it is present in those two words.

14. The figure

Half of 6 is the number 3, so we are talking about a triangle.

15. The day of the year

The day is January 1st. The explanation is like this: Yesterday, December 31, he turned 16, at the end of this year he will turn 17 and the next year he will turn 18.

16. The doors

The first door he opens is the car door, so he can start driving until he reaches the place where he finds the other two elements.

17. The fish

There are still 20 fish, because at no time have they been removed from the tank despite the condition they are in.

18. Face is everything

The answer is a coin.

19. The great subtraction

It can only be done once because after the first subtraction the number becomes 1,110 and continues to decrease successively if it continues to be subtracted.

20. Another one of the riddles of following the sequence

The number 9 follows. What you do is add the first numbers, so that later the results are also added with the number that follows. That is to say:

1 + 1 = 2 + 3 = 5 + 3 = 8 + 1 = 9.

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