3 Keys To Recovering Your Spirits After A Difficult Trance

To regain our spirits after a difficult experience, we can implement different strategies to help us digest what happened. Otherwise, the emotional residue of these experiences can end up sinking us.
3 keys to recovering your spirits after a difficult trance

We all go through experiences that, without being traumatic, decompose us. A heated argument, being the subject of some injustice or similar situations. These leave an echo that sometimes lasts for hours and other times for days and weeks. Hence, it is important to know how to recover your spirits after an experience that has left you touched.

The trouble is that these complicated trances sometimes leave us so dejected or so irritated that our own state of mind becomes a source of new difficulties. At the same time, they incapacitate us to appreciate the positive that is around us or lead us to create new conflicts to get rid of that excess of animosity that remains within us.

It also happens that there are people with toxic behaviors that leave us as poisoned when we have contact with them. They provoke a heavy mood in us or leave us with a very negative taste in our soul. You have to get out of those states as soon as possible. To regain your spirits, here are three effective keys.

1. Isolating the negative, a key to recovering your spirits

A situation or a person that transmits something very negative to us leaves us infected with pessimism and bad humor. Without our noticing it, a feeling takes hold of us that everything is wrong. We get irritable and complicated. We feel the discomfort, but we cannot fully decipher it.

The first thing to do to regain your spirits is to identify what made us feel bad. What exactly bothered us the most about that difficult trance? What is it that makes us feel so upset and irritated? Why does that torment us?

Doing the exercise of answering these questions is very important for two reasons. The first, because it allows us to more precisely identify the causes of our discomfort. The second, because by specifying them, we can isolate them. We no longer feel that “everything is wrong”, but we can visualize the area where the problem is. This gives us peace of mind and balances us.

Woman thinking

2. Identify echoes of distress

Sometimes it happens that we seem to be able to regain our spirits after one of those difficult times. We supposedly stop thinking about it and turn our attention to something else. In this way, we remove from our mind that which causes us discomfort. We may experience some discomfort or tension; However, if we do not dedicate our thoughts to it, it will soon diminish in intensity and we will get used to it … until it finally disappears.

However, days or even weeks later, we may begin to experience a feeling of distress. According to psychoanalysis, “anxiety is a symptom that does not deceive”. It means that it does not appear for its own sake and that when it does appear it is a sign that there are situations to integrate into our history. Feelings and emotions that have not been processed.

Therefore, the emergence of that anguish must be assumed as a call. An alarm that reminds us that we have a pending task. Those echoes of anguish are there to ask us if perhaps, in truth, we did not overlook that difficult trance.

Man by the sea thinking about resentment

3. Regain your balance

The best way to recover your spirits is by doing something we like and returning to our own, after having managed to isolate the negative feelings and emotions that a difficult trance left us. Nothing and no one has to ruin our day. It is inevitable to go through those annoying situations that damage anyone’s good mood, but we cannot allow these experiences to make a career.

For this reason, once the ideas about what happened have been sorted out, we are going to dedicate ourselves to a task that makes us feel good. Many and varied options fit in this drawer: from going to eat a delicious ice cream, to going for a walk, having a conversation with someone we like or anything that is stimulating and positive for us. It is a way to regain balance and overcome those remnants of unease that echo.

However, looking elsewhere or letting annoyance invade us, tempting as it may be, are not paths that usually restore the balance we are talking about. The healthiest way is to take a moment to specify and isolate what torments us. Then do something we like and then go back to our normal life, turning the page on what happened.

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