4 Good Ideas To Overcome An Anger

4 good ideas to overcome an anger

Buddha is credited with the wise statement that “holding onto anger is like grasping a burning coal with the intention of throwing it at someone; it is you who get burned ”. Based on this phrase, overcoming anger seems like the right attitude.

However, it must never be forgotten that the right to kick should be a universal necessity. Those little moments when everything seems to go wrong and we are forced to express our outrage and anger are really helpful.

What is not useful at all is castling in attitudes of permanent anger, bad mood or eternal anger. Once the kicking phase has passed, it is best to move on, complex as it may seem.

Overcome anger

For many people, getting over anger can seem difficult. However, there are scientific studies and specialist psychologists who have created a series of exercises and attitudes that will be very useful for all types of profiles.

Among all the studies, the postulates of doctors Charles Spielberger, from the University of South Florida, and Jerry Deffenbacher, from the University of Colorado, both psychologists specializing in anger management belonging to the American Psychological Association, are especially interesting.

Angry woman frowning

Deffenbacher and Spielberger defend anger as a normal, healthy human emotion. That something feels bad to a specific person does not have to be strange or an unusual fact. The problem of anger, anger or rage comes when you lose control over them. At that moment the emotion becomes destructive and ends up affecting the quality of life of any human being, as is logical.

Describe the anger

Dr. Charles Spielberger defines anger as an emotional state whose intensity ranges from mild irritation to anger so intense that it becomes true rage. Be that as it may, in all cases they are accompanied by a series of biological and psychological changes that occur in the human body.

During a process of anger, the heart rhythm as well as the frequency and blood pressure changes, causing a sudden increase that is accompanied by a rise in the energetic hormonal level, norepinephrine and adrenaline itself.

Logically, as doctors Deffenbacher and Spielberger defend, maintaining an excessively high level of anger constantly has terrible consequences for the body in the medium and long term, hence the need to learn to overcome it.

Strategies to overcome anger

Before anger becomes chronic, something that can happen if this state extends over time, anger control psychologists offer a series of recommendations that can be very useful for all types of profiles.

Problem resolution

Given that problems are inherent in human existence itself, and therefore inevitable in many cases, it is advisable to adopt the best attitude to overcome the anger caused by the various situations to be faced. To do this, doctors advise concentrating on methods to confront and handle problems calmly and objectively.

Hands of two people on a table while arguing

Improve communication

Many vital problems that angry people face are caused by the hasty and inaccurate conclusions caused by the situation of anger, rage, or rage. It is better not to say the first thing that comes to mind.

In this sense, Drs. Deffenbacher and Spielberger advise active listening, relaxation before responding, and pondering everything that is going to come out of our mouths. It is a complex process, but always better than being on the defensive and launching constant counterattacks that make the situation worse.

Never lose your sense of humor

Doctors defend a sense of humor as a mechanism to overcome anger. However, its use should not be limited to laughing at the situation or being cruel and ironic. The handling they advise is somewhat different.

In this case, Deffenbacher and Spielberger promote an active sense of humor. For example, if you want to insult someone, it is better to shut up and imagine. If you want to call the target of your anger “garbage bag”, better think of it as a garbage bag. Visualize it and laugh at the situation. This fact will calm your state of anger quite a bit.

Woman holding two faces one angry and the other smiling

Change of environment

Finally,  psychologists specializing in anger control, tell us about the influence that the environment can have on our mood and, specifically, on anger. If this is irritating and a constant source of anger, it is logical to look for greener lawns.

So, overcoming anger doesn’t have to be an impossible task. You just have to have the right tools, and now you have some very powerful ones, and know that your own health, both mental and physical, would improve significantly if you learn to control your anger.

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