4 Wonderful Principles Of Mayan Wisdom

4 wonderful principles of Mayan wisdom

Our ancestors have given us fabulous teachings for us to apply every day. It is amazing how messages like the legacies of Mayan wisdom can still be practiced today. They are wonderful ancient advice that we can follow to face difficult situations in the best way.

This culture was characterized by great wisdom, from which we can still learn today. Thus, thanks to his legacy we have great advice to face difficult situations, since these great sages spoke about how to face life, reaching happiness and love.

Now, we have 4 principles of Mayan wisdom that we can apply in our day to day. A wonderful way to face our ills and to see life. Here we show you what each of the 4 agreements is about so you can apply them to your life!

Be impeccable with our words

Each message we transmit gives an account of how we are, therefore, it is important to think before speaking to convey the appropriate message.  Although it is difficult, the Mayans propose that being impeccable with our words will help us to relate in a better way with ourselves and with others.

So to better relate we must pay attention to what we say. That is, be attentive to what we are going to transmit and what we really want to say. In addition, it is important to know that in this way we are consistent between what we think and what we say.

Couple talking

Also, this principle is a way of honoring our words and honoring ourselves at the same time. An important method that generates greater awareness and self-esteem, as it helps us to be aware of ourselves and to improve day by day. Now, although we are attentive to what we want to say and how we say it, we must be aware that we cannot always achieve it.

Nothing is personal

This is another of the principles of Mayan wisdom and it is that we should not take anything personally. It is about being aware that other people have the freedom to act as they wish and this does not always have to do with us.

This principle has to do with the fact that we do not feel like the center of the universe, because that means that we are analyzing all situations and we feel alluded to or guilty for everything that happens. That we create the center does not mean that we are.

In addition, each person acts according to himself. We should worry about our actions and not those of others because even if they do something directed at us, their actions are a reflection of themselves. When we stop taking things personally, we gain the ability to see things from another perspective and to grow as people, for each learning.

Rather, we can count on each of us being responsible for their actions. Thus, if we focus on them we can take care of ourselves and not be overloaded with other people’s situations that can cause us discomfort. How many things do you carry? Just yours or everyone’s?

Making assumptions hurts

Do not make assumptions is another of the principles of Mayan wisdom. When we suppose we are giving way to false beliefs to take over us, which cause us discomfort. The important thing is to be aware of what we can really know and what we cannot.

Now, everyone has their own vision of the truth, so if you have any questions, it is best to ask. Maybe what you are thinking is biased. And, the best thing is to count on the other to find a shared vision between them.

Keep in mind that you will not always be able to know what is going to happen, let life flow. The ability to be surprised helps us deal with problems more calmly. Also, if it is not in your hands, you cannot do anything. So we only hurt ourselves with our irrational beliefs about things. You cannot have everything under control, the universe does not depend on you.

Girl thinking

Make the best effort

This principle is the one that encompasses all the principles of Mayan wisdom. If the three previous ones are fulfilled, it is facilitated that this can be given. Therefore, keep others in mind so that you can offer your maximum effort.

When the Mayans refer to maximum effort, they do not mean that we fight to the bone. They talk about us being aware of what we can give and reaching a balance. So it does not consist of making too much or little effort. Because doing a lot would end up exhausted and doing little too, because it leads to frustration.

So, you have to give in the right measure. And, for this, we have to be aware of who we are, how we relate to each other and what we can give. Thus we enhance self-knowledge, and allow ourselves to fight as far as we can, that is, being clear about our limits.

Now, not taking anything to heart, not assuming and transmitting what we want to say in the appropriate way, will help us to know how much we can make an effort and in what situations to do it.  Take advantage of each experience as a window to knowledge, learn from yourself and your possibilities. 

Benefits of the principles of Mayan wisdom

The above principles have great benefits. Here are some of them:

  • They improve our quality of life. Because they promote well-being through awareness and personal growth.
  • They promote assertive communication. Thanks to the transmission of what we want to say in an appropriate way, facilitating communication.
  • They facilitate authentic and strong relationships. Because they help us to be aware of what we can give.
  • They promote balance. By teaching us what our limits are and how we can overcome obstacles.
  • They help to cope with problems. Because they promote decision-making based on our possibilities.
Butterfly perched on a person's finger

Mayan wisdom is an incredible way to face adverse situations and to learn every day what life offers us. By applying these principles we can get rid of certain problems and promote transcendence in relationships with ourselves and with others. Join this way of seeing life, it is an unbeatable way of knowing and learning.

Now, the principles of Mayan wisdom can be used by anyone. They are a fantastic legacy that we can apply whenever we feel like it. Remember that having a calmer life depends on you, only you know how you are, how you act and what are the irrational beliefs with which you can fight.

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