5 Habits That Will Bring You Closer To Your Dreams

5 habits that will bring you closer to your dreams

When you want to achieve a goal, you not only have to focus on acquiring the necessary habits that help you get on your way. Everything you do counts. And many times it is the habits that we have acquired that make it difficult for us to achieve the goals and dreams that we set for ourselves.

It does not matter what type of elevation you are trying to reach. Whether it is a goal related to health or family, or if what you are looking for has to do with your financial situation, studies or love,  there are some habits that can sabotage any of these initiatives.

Man choosing between two paths circumstance

Accompany your goals with a temporary planning

Someday, soon, as soon as I can … These dates do not appear on any calendar.  In this sense, just as the dates pressure us, they also motivate us to carry out the tasks that we least want to do. In fact, placing a goal within a restricted time frame is often one of the first steps toward bringing that goal to fruition.

Dreams are already loaded with intentions, so to materialize they need us to take action.  Without a date, any attempt to come up with a plan will hang in the air. It does not matter if you have to make changes along the way or if the achievement of the goal is delayed by something. A plan can be modified and adapted to reach the destination, however a no-plan  is only a jump into the void without a parachute.

So start by defining your goal and giving it a place on the calendar, a space within your days. And if you can’t start now, it doesn’t matter. Decide when you are going to start, when you are going to tackle the design of your action plan.

Be ready to start

The phrase “I’m not ready to start” can reflect many internal states. Maybe you are not sure of your goal, that is, you do not feel that it is truly a free and personal choice. Maybe you are not as motivated as you think, because what pushes you to dream is not the right engine. Perhaps you are not clear about your dream, and have only a vague general idea. Maybe you are afraid.

In any case, once we have well defined our goal, even if there is a dense network waiting for us below, it is necessary to close our eyes to jump. An exercise of courage to take the first step, of trust in ourselves and in our resources. In this sense, if you are ready to dream, you are ready to start working on your dream.

Allowing the list of difficulties to freeze dreams

Underestimating the resources to deal with the difficulties they anticipate is a freeze for many people’s dreams and illusions. They tremble at the uncertainty posed by the road, hence they do not advance.

They think that they will not be able to get to the place they want, but they also do not move to get the tools that allow them to do so. They don’t put off their dream or quit, but they don’t decide to go after it either. 

In this sense, anticipating difficulties, making a contingency plan is a smart strategy in itself that can backfire if done wrong or misused. Done wrong, it can cause us to embark on goals that are currently unattainable for us; Also, if done wrong, it can make us overconfident and end up filling our suitcase with short-sleeved shirts to conquer the North Pole.

On the other hand, it can be well made, but then use it poorly or not use it. In these cases, the effort of having done it would be a wasted effort. The most common case is that of those who, instead of gathering tools to deal with these difficulties, paralyze themselves recreating in the suffering that they are going to cause them.

Clock on stone representing collective nostalgia

See mistakes as losses

You cannot always walk in a straight line.  Sometimes you have to go around the obstacles, others work very hard to eliminate them or at least reduce them. In addition, on many occasions this work does not immediately bear the fruit you expect. But that is not a loss.

It is seldom lost when it is learned. That is the most beautiful reflection of poor results, and it is only visible to those who make an intelligent management of “failure”. If something goes wrong, it doesn’t matter. It is part of the process. In addition, it often happens that the bigger the error, the more it can teach.

What you are not going to get anything from is to get frustrated and cower in the face of failures and, even worse, at the idea of ​​failure. Embrace your mistakes, integrate them into your story and give them a meaning that is good for you and use all the energy that can emanate from anger at your own mistake to get back on track, towards that or another destination.

Give up before seeing results

Impatience is a friend of precipitation and a saboteur of change, becoming one of the great obstacles to the materialization of any dream. Despite having a plan, hardly everything will depend on you, hence we point to patience as a potential ally.

In this sense, for many of the changes we seek, overt progression is not gradual. It occurs in leaps. Periods in which we practically do not take a step forward, or even go backwards, are combined with other periods in which there is a great leap.

Try not to despair. Just because you can’t see results doesn’t mean your efforts have been in vain. Remember that in many cases the advance occurs suddenly, and in many of them this advance also occurs unexpectedly. In this sense, the best thing that can happen to you when this happens is that you get caught working.

Think, for example, of a writer when he publishes his first essay or novel. Probably before seeing your dream come true you will have been rejected in many publishers, a long period will have passed in which you have not seen progress. However, our writer, far from giving up, has continued to send the draft until he finally received a letter in which they accepted his novel for editing. The step involved in that letter is enormous and probably would not have existed without the faith and perseverance of the one who sent them.

Sad woman leaning on a window

Walk to reach

Dreaming is wonderful, exciting, inspiring. It makes you see the future with different eyes, it makes you hopeful and it makes you feel good. However, that pleasant recreation, when not accompanied by action, does not advance you.

Analyze your dream, assess your goal and discover if it is viable. Make a plan and tackle difficulties one at a time, starting with the first. Celebrate every little breakthrough as a great success in itself. And keep moving forward.

Review your daily habits and do what you have to do to walk firmly towards your goal. The changes you have to make are part of the route, don’t forget it. And remember that, no matter how much you have to deviate or how many scales you have to do, as long as you know where you are going, you will be on the road to success.

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