5 Historical Novels That Will Broaden Your Horizons

Historical novels are a literary subgenre widely known in the world capable of making you travel to remote places and times. Here’s what five iconic historical novels are about.
5 historical novels that will broaden your horizons

Historical novels are capable of transferring us to another setting and to another time. A good historical novel has the potential to make us travel outside of our reality. Thanks to the fact that they can introduce us to an unknown culture, exotic foods, unforgettable landscapes and endearing characters.

Historical novels are a narrative subgenre that recreates a historical period and that present non-fictional characters and events using fictional plots, like any other novel. This subgenre was born in Europe in the nineteenth century, within the framework of Romanticism, and quickly became popular worldwide.

So we’ve compiled a compilation of five iconic historical novels ranging from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages, through feudal Japan and ancient Rome.

The Cave Bear Clan (Jean Marie Auel)

This is the story of Ayla, a girl who is cut off from her tribe by an earthquake. So she must survive and be accepted into another tribe. The problem is that this tribe is Neanderthal. Thus, only after proving her worth is she accepted by some members of the tribe, while others try to hurt her.

This historical novel is the first book in the Children of the Earth saga that was published in 1980. Ayla’s story makes readers feel in prehistory. Specifically in the last phase of the Ice Age, when Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals lived in conflict, competing for resources and territories.


The writer not only documented some of the most important hypotheses about the first years of human existence, but also some theories of how our ancestors managed to survive. So in the novel many hunting and gathering techniques, customs, construction methods, etc. are captured. of primitive societies.

I, Claudio (Robert Graves)

Among the historical novels, Yo, Claudio is a classic. Because it is presented as an autobiography of Tiberius Claudius, who became the fourth emperor of Rome in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. So the work recreates in a certain way the times of the Roman Empire from the assassination of Julius Caesar (44 BC) to that of Caligula (41 BC). Therefore it is a representation of the greatness, cruelty and perversion of many of the rulers of imperial Rome.

Statue of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus

This novel, written by Robert Graves in 1934, is considered one of the best story novels of the 20th century. Because throughout history it presents you with a multitude of situations that span various literary genres. It is full of betrayals, heartbreak, humor, insanity and even battles. In this way, it presents in a very complete way the life and key characters of a troubled time in classical Roman history.

The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follet)

This novel revolves around the construction of a majestic Gothic cathedral. It tells the story of many characters that are directly or indirectly related to the construction of the temple. It exhibits the lives, hardships, and deaths of various generations, from builders to kings.

This novel, written by acclaimed writer, Ken Follet, achieved great international success and begins a trilogy. The author takes us back to the Middle Ages of England, to a fascinating world of conflicts between kingdoms and dramas between the nobility. A web of stories that few historical novels can match.

Wells Gothic Cathedral

Perfume: the story of a murderer (Patrick Süskind)

This is the story of a young man, Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, who has a prodigious nose and is obsessed with finding the perfect fragrance. Thus, with great determination, he climbs the social ladder, becoming a famous perfumer. Create perfumes with fantastic capacities, which can generate moods, such as sympathy, love or compassion. However, to create these fragrances you must murder young virgins to extract their bodily fluids.

This story, written by Patrick Süskind in 1985, is set in 18th century France. Being a fairly accurate description of the time. A moment when the streets of France coexisted with the magnificent smells that came from the perfume shops and the nauseating smell that came from the sewers on the public roads. The perfumes were used by the high society that lived in the courts, while the common people had to put up with the stench and miasma that became everyday.

Shogun (James Clavell)

This is the fascinating story of the encounter between the western and eastern world. Personified as an English sailor captured by a Shogun in the early 17th century. Throughout history, the sailor goes from being a disgraced prisoner to a samurai in the service of the great Shogun.

Thanks to this character, two worlds as dissimilar as Western and Eastern culture are reconciled. This is achieved by accepting differences and respecting the Japanese philosophy and spirituality of the feudal era.

Samurai battle in Japanese feudal times

Shogun is a novel full of adventures and philosophical reflections that was written by James Clavell and published in 1975. A novel especially recommended  for all those who are in love with the Far East and want to know more about the life of the samurai.

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