5 Keys To Eating Healthy

You want to improve your diet, but you don’t know where to start. Well, here are some keys that can help you achieve this goal.
5 keys to eating healthy

Eating healthy is one of the best habits that we can adopt, both for the proper functioning of the body and for the prevention of disorders and diseases in the short and long term. Within the proper functioning, we cannot forget about cognitive functioning, also closely related to a correct diet.

The bibliography available on healthy eating habits and forms is endless. Thus, this article is not intended to be a compilation of mandatory guidelines, but rather a guide that can guide us to improve the quality of the food we eat and, therefore, health.

woman eating salad

What does it mean to eat healthy or healthy?

The consequence of a healthy diet is not necessarily the loss of kilograms. Eating healthy is a much more global concept that has been related to having an adequate relationship with food, in terms of quality and quantity : understanding the signs of hunger and satiety, without bingeing, without abusing food full of calories and poor in quality and variety of nutrients, but also without obsessing over calories and the scale, without obsessing about eating only “healthy” foods, without guilt and without regrets.

It means feeling good physically and emotionally in relation to what you eat and feeling that the needs (at the energy level) required for day-to-day activities are covered. A healthy eating plan should be easy to follow in the long term, avoiding great restrictions and favoring a varied diet.

Based on this, we are going to make a compilation of 5 keys that can help you eat healthy.

1. Eat three to five times a day and don’t skip breakfast

Have you ever heard the saying ” eat breakfast like a king, eat like a prince and dinner like a beggar “? This is because breakfast is the basis for what we will eat the rest of the day. You must concentrate 25% of the amount of calories recommended for the day. In addition, it seems that having a good glass of water is very beneficial for the body.

Try to make breakfast include fruit (fiber), healthy fats, and protein. These foods will give you the energy you need to start the day and are a good way to break your overnight fast.

2. Give importance to healthy fats

Learn to distinguish healthy fats from “trans” or saturated fats, found in most ultra-processed foods. Avoid refined vegetable fats, such as sunflower oil or palm oil.

Always bet on EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), it is no coincidence that they call it “liquid gold”. The Harvard School of Public Health considers it the healthiest fat!

Among the healthy fats, we find EVOO, olives, avocado, blue fish, nuts and seeds, peanuts and soybeans, among others.

3. Increase the consumption of legumes, vegetables and fruit

Legumes are very satisfying and nutritious foods. They contain a high content of fiber and zinc that cares for digestive health and they contain a low glycemic index, which stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels.

Vegetables provide a large amount of nutrients without adding calories. Like fruits, vegetables promote hydration of the body. The best way to take advantage of all their properties is to eat them raw or steamed,  but you can also choose to grill them.

The fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins, they are a great source of antioxidants, they help prevent fluid retention and promote cardiovascular health. Keep in mind that it is always better to take it fresh than juice.

4. Plan your menu, buy it and cook your own food

Surely you have heard that ” do not go shopping hungry .” This is because when we shop on an empty stomach we tend to choose foods with a high glycemic index, which can contribute little more than calories and saturated fat to our body.

Designing an affordable weekly menu can help you plan your shopping list ; it is easier to hit the mark by following a plan than by improvising. It will also allow you to make a “kitchen plan”, setting aside time in the day to prepare food.

5. Eat mindfully

To eat consciously, you can carry out small behaviors that your body and you will appreciate:

  • Eat and chew slowly, savoring the food and appreciating all its nuances. Put all your senses in what you are eating
  • Eat with intention.
  • Learn to listen to the body and to distinguish the real signals of hunger and satiety, so as not to confuse them with boredom, anxiety or negative emotional states.
  • Eat slowly. Set aside time for food, where you can focus on it only.
  • Do not eat while watching TV or using your mobile, or eat standing up.
  • Allow a little time between bites to notice the signs of fullness.
Woman eating with eyes closed

A bonus: organize your dishes according to the Harvard healthy plate for healthy eating

Harvard’s healthy plate is a proposal that aims to banish the food pyramid forever. It was created by nutrition experts from the Harvard School of Public Health and is endorsed by renowned nutritionists such as Carlos Ríos, the biggest advocate of real food free of ultra- processed foods, realfooding .

He proposes that the plate of each meal should be divided as follows: half of the plate should be vegetables; the other half (from highest to lowest amount) should be made up of foods rich in protein, foods rich in carbohydrates, and foods rich in healthy fats.

It also includes a series of general guidelines:

  • The weight is in the fruit and vegetables (50% of the plate).
  • Water should be the go-to drink.
  • Carbohydrates lose prominence and ultra-processed foods should be avoided. The ingredients must be whole.
  • Limit dairy intake to 1-2 servings a day.
  • Protein sources are changed: priority is given to fish, poultry, legumes, and nuts, and red meat is subtracted.
  • Yes to fats, but to healthy ones.

Adapt each of these keys to your needs. Any step you take in this sense will have a positive effect on your body, improving your energy levels and avoiding that feeling of heaviness and discomfort that we have after eating processed foods or with few nutrients.

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