5 Keys To Writing A Cover Letter To Apply For A Job

Writing a cover letter is very important as it adds more information than we can include in our resume. Today we will discover how to write it in the best way.
5 keys to writing a cover letter to apply for a job

Although when looking for a job we believe that our curriculum alone is enough and more than enough, the truth is that writing a cover letter to apply for a job is much better. The reason is that in it we can include certain information about us that is not in the curriculum and that can make the difference between getting the desired job or not.

In some cases, many companies already specify that in addition to sending the curriculum they request or value a cover letter. The problem is that no one has explained to us how to write it, what aspects we have to focus on and what we must take into account so that the company reads our letter to the end and ends up adding to our candidacy.

Of course, it is not advisable to send  a cover letter without the curriculum. In addition, as indicated in this Job Search Guide, you must take care of the details of writing and style. Let’s see what we must take into account to write a cover letter that favors us.

1. Put the hiring manager in context

When we are preparing to write a cover letter to apply for a job, a good idea is to put the hiring manager in context. In this sense, it may be best to allocate  the first paragraph to refer to the job offer that we have seen.

Also, in this first point, it is important to capture the attention of the person responsible for hiring who is going to read our letter. To do this, we will expose how the company is demanding a profile like ours and how we fit perfectly into it. We will not elaborate much more, since then we will have time to explain why we are the people that the company needs.

Woman thinking in a coffee shop about the cover letter to apply for a job

2. Show interest

One of the most important aspects when we are going to write a cover letter to apply for a job is that we need to show interest in the position applied for. This will be reflected in the way we write and present our ideas.

We must, at this point, refer to our experience, the training we have and all those courses that we have done and that may be a plus for the job we want to choose. We cannot forget languages, even if we do not have a title, as long as we can show that we know how to defend ourselves with them.

3. Optimistic and positive tone

During the writing of our cover letter it is recommended that we give the text an optimistic and positive tone. But, at this point, be careful. Sometimes we can be too effusive and conversational, and we do not want the consequences of this effect either.

In addition, maintaining an optimistic and positive tone will prevent us from writing a letter that is aversive to the person who reads it. We don’t want to be hired out of pity, but because of our accomplishments, skills, and disposition.

man writing cover letter to apply for a job

4. Strong points

Sometimes it can be difficult to put all our strengths on the table. Therefore, writing a cover letter to apply for a job is a task that deserves reflection. The text that we send has to be truthful, answer many of the questions that the person in charge of the selection process may ask and highlight what we really want it to predominate.

What strengths do we have and are they important to perform the job we want to apply for? What skills do we have that can make us stand out from other candidates?  Answering these questions can give us valuable clues to those points to which we have to attract the reader. On the other hand, let us remember that the hiring manager does not know us. In other words, we have in our hands the possibility of directly influencing the first impression that is formed of us.

cover letter to apply for a job

5. Willingness to attend an interview

Once we have written our letter, it is necessary to write a closing. At this point, we will appreciate the attention given to us by the person in charge of hiring and we will show our willingness to attend a personal interview in which to answer any questions you may have and that with the documentation provided have not been closed.

As we said before, the cover letter will generate a first impression of us in the person in charge of the selection process. In this way, the best we can do is take care of it and be smart in its writing. More and more companies are looking for candidates who differentiate themselves, who know how to do and send a good cover letter is already a sign of good work. Thus, it represents that effort that can give us an advantage over the rest of the candidates who apply for the position we choose.

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