5 Motivational Quotes To Better Educate

5 motivational quotes to educate better

Educating is not an easy task. Accompanying their growth process, especially your children, is one of the most rewarding opportunities in life. However, that it is rewarding does not mean that at times it is not arduous and complicated, it is not a kind of puzzle for which there is not exactly an intrruction manual. Still, in one way or another, educating is a responsibility that teachers and parents must assume, no matter how hard and frustrating it may be at times.

As in other situations of difficulty and discouragement, to get ahead, a push is not bad, right? For those moments of “educational blockage”, having a good phrase on hand that works as a trigger for our motivation can be a very useful resource.

Don’t confuse discipline with aggression

Hitting a child is not a way to discipline him, but rather a reflection of your own frustration and your own inability to control your emotions . A hit is a hit. They are not worth euphemisms or half measures.

Girl behind a curtain

Hitting a child is a way of validating the message that violence against the weakest is, after all, a good resource to achieve what we want. Then, let us not be surprised that they use it at school to impose themselves on those they consider weaker. We are the ones who are legitimizing this method by using it with them. We cannot forget that we are the mirror in which they look the most.

Trade violence for love

The next time you are tempted to spank a child as a form of discipline, jump out of the upsetting situation. Force your attention to shift its focus elsewhere until your mood returns to normal.

Daughter hugging her mother

When you feel the need to hit the child, hold him tight, reassure you both, and then try to talk about what happened. 

Making a child feel bad leads nowhere

Children are not miniature adults, but still they also experience similar sensations, although with more intensity. Remember that no matter how humiliated you have felt in life, no matter how hard the education you received was, you are not going to erase the damage they caused you by infringing it. 

You have the opportunity to make your child better than you. fears

Father blaming his son

Loving your children is not giving them everything they want

Listen to their wishes, even their allegations or their way of defending them as long as it is admissible but finally do not delegate the last word to them in the decision they make to you, remember that the responsibility to educate is yours. Do not abuse your authority but do not deny it because for them it is important that you maintain it, even if at certain times they pay you with tantrums or bad answers.

The important thing to educate is not paid for with money

One thing is what we want and another is what we need. That your child does not understand the difference between wanting and wanting does not justify your forgetting that it is the time and attention that you dedicate to your child is what he really needs to grow. That will make you happy and not have everything you want and do everything that others do.

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