7 Shocking Quotes From Ezra Pound

There is a charming vitality in Ezra Pound’s phrases. Although he was highly questioned during his life for the political positions he adopted, he was a lucid intellectual, endowed with an extraordinary sensitivity.
7 shocking quotes from Ezra Pound

Ezra Pound’s phrases have a unique charm. Despite the fact that his life had very questionable episodes, such as the support he gave Benito Mussolini, that does not detract from his literary work, which is impeccable.

The ultimate goal of this great American poet was to make an amalgam between classical poetry and modernism. This is reflected in his particular style and also in the themes he addressed. In the phrases of Ezra Pound there are references that go from the mythological to the economic and the political.

Besides being a poet, he was a musician and essayist. He is also a translator, although this work was not very fortunate for him. He declared himself an enemy of romanticism and devoted much of his life to his two great works: Songs and Songs. These are some of the most interesting Ezra Pound quotes.

1. The art of government

This is one of the phrases of Ezra Pound that shows his great acuity to perceive the phenomena of power. He says: ” Governing is the art of creating problems with the solution of which keep the population in suspense. “

Regardless of your personal political stances, the phrase is masterful. It shows the very essence of the different governments, throughout all time. Many times the goal is not to solve difficulties , but, on the contrary, to create them. This guarantees more control.

Politician giving a speech

2. One of Ezra Pound’s quotes about freedom

This is one of those Ezra Pound phrases that amazes with its forcefulness. He points out: “A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him. ” It is a very interesting perspective on freedom.

It agrees in this with practically all the currents of psychology. The call of this science is for the subjects to understand that they must take charge of their destiny and that each one is responsible for their own life. Freedom born of responsibility.

3. Modern warfare

This phrase is not exactly pacifist, far from it. It does not outlaw war, but it does make a very suggestive precision about it. It goes like this: ” The real problem with war (modern warfare) is that it doesn’t give anyone the chance to kill the right people. “

Beyond the violent content, the implicit complaint is interesting. Wars are not fought by those who cause them, who are ultimately the least affected. In wars the victims of both sides end up facing each other.

4. Those around the rich

This is another of Ezra Pound’s phrases that launches a harsh criticism of some aspects of social reality. His statement states: ” Come on, friend, let’s remember that the rich have waiters and not friends. “

It is a lapidary phrase in which it shows that money is not necessarily a source of happiness. Likewise, wealth itself promotes servility and hypocrisy around it. That is why it is said, colloquially, that only in poverty can you have friends.

5. What to fear

This is a beautiful phrase that more than a phrase ends up being a verse. In it, Ezra Pound declares: ” Be more afraid of time than of my eyes. ” It is a profound and wonderful metaphor for what is called “bad deeds.”

When others are harmed, or engaged in destructive or harmful behavior, someone may believe that they have gotten away with it because they were not caught. However, time reveals everything and sooner or later generates negative consequences for the perpetrator of damage.

6. Gratitude

Another of Ezra Pound’s beautiful phrases that take your breath away. It says: ” And if the old cold strangles your store you will be thankful when the night passes. ” The way in which she exposes the relative of negative situations is very ingenious and beautiful.

Sometimes what we consider adversity is actually a situation that forces us to step out of our comfort zone and build something new. Indeed, many of our great achievements begin precisely when something happens that forces us to be reborn.

Woman with folded hands thinking of gratitude phrases

7. The sacred

This phrase refers to the essence of the sacred and does so from a direct and profound perspective. He points out the following: ” The temple is sacred because it is not for sale. ” It is a statement that not only applies to the strictly religious, but to everything transcendent.

What it implies is that the value of the sacred lies in the fact that it cannot be traded. It is neither bought nor sold. It cannot be the object of any transaction, because it is intrinsically priceless.

Ezra Pound may not have fully seen the implications of his political positions. He was accused of treason and outlawed in many intellectual circles. However, as can be seen, his approaches are so lucid and universal that they can hardly be ascribed to an ideology.

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