Is There A Psychological Training For Parents?

Is there a psychological training for parents?

There is a popular saying that “children come with bread under their arms” And why not with a manual? No one was born knowing how to be a father… And we are so afraid of being wrong! We go to the doctor’s office in the middle of the morning because something seems wrong … we spend hours and hours trying to understand what the baby wants with crying and we run out of alternatives …

We usually consult parents and in-laws (especially mothers and mothers-in-law) about what we can do so that our child sleeps, eats, does not get sick … And no matter how hard we study … there is no Harvard degree that makes us the best parents in the world. world. Therefore, it is worth making mistakes and above all learning from mistakes.

Parenting Books: Teaching or Anxiety?

Until a few decades ago men did not take care of anything related to raising children. Today that is completely different. We see parents on the subway carrying their children on their backs or others getting ready by reading self-help books, guides or whatever we want to call it.

Now, that kind of “salvation” in the format of sheets, cover and back cover cannot tell us everything that is going to happen to us and at the precise moment. It is a kind of introduction to a more than important topic and that we should not take lightly: being parents.

Mother reading revitsa

It is not proven that those who have gone to the bookstore and bought dozens of books such as “the guide for parents (volume I, II, III, etc)”, “the job of being a mother” or similar have been able to survive the parenthood without even making a miserable mistake.

However, better informed parents about the needs of the little ones means… happier and healthier children. Reading or looking for data or consulting those who have already had children is a good idea, even if we do not put a single of their advice into practice!

Prepare yourself psychologically and emotionally to be a parent

The decision of parenthood is the most important you will make in your life, beyond employment, city of residence or the way you eat. From the moment the child begins to grow in the womb, everything changes. .. and this 180 ° turn continues at the precise moment that this tiny being appears into the world.

Therefore, it is not something to be left to chance. Even in cases of unplanned pregnancies, it is necessary to get serious and understand that from this moment it is no longer about you, but about that life that is being formed.

Emotional preparation is really important. It is vital to educate our feelings. How? Practicing. Being more optimistic, less irrational, not at all selfish and more understanding tops the list of tasks from now on. It seems impossible to fulfill … but, as you will surely know, for a son everything is achieved, everything can be …

Responsibility is not only linked to arriving at the office early or paying bills on time, but also understanding that a life depends on us from now on and that this is our greatest commitment.

If you are an overly sensitive person, who loses your temper easily or you do not usually look to the side (you only know your wishes and opinions) then you may want to wait a little to be a father or mother.

On the other hand, within the learning prior to deciding to have a child, you must do a work of introspection and determine what things in the past have marked you so that you do not make those mistakes with your little ones.

What did you like the least about your parents? What are you grateful for about them? Is there something that you would not like to be repeated again? Would you ask them for advice? These questions are answered only within you. Try to answer them!

Learning to be parents: the school of life

Mother's hands surrounding her son's feet

You can start even before deciding to be a father to read thousands of publications and dozens of books … you can ask your mother or even call a doctor every so often … but nothing will help you more than practice.

This means that it is a long road that must be secure through episodes of uncertainty, anxiety or fear ... but there will be more hours of full happiness, total love and unforgettable experiences.

If you have doubts, ask. If you don’t know something, find out. And above all, be open to learn and enjoy every minute you spend with your children. That is the best way to get the highest grade in this race called “parenting.”

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