Harassment Or Bullying

Bullying or bullying

The bullying is defined as mistreatment or harassment by a number of people within the school environment. Generally, it is about physical aggression or psychological abuse.

It should not be confused with mobbing , which is harassment and mistreatment at work, by the bosses or the boss, and some colleagues.

People who have suffered some type of bullying or bullying can have the following emotional consequences:

-Sadness, melancholy that could trigger depression. The victim usually has very negative thoughts about his person causing him a low self-esteem. It would be important to inquire into those thoughts in order to improve the emotional state.

-Poor school or work performance: the victim of bullying stops being motivated by studies or work, since they could come to believe that their personal worth is null and therefore stop fighting to improve.

-Incapacity to make decisions: They may always need someone they trust as support, as a voice of truth. The personality is very diminished and they can become very controllable people, with the danger that they get together with bad company that leads them astray.

-Very low self-esteem: Having suffered abuse, the person stops loving themselves, believing that if they have been chosen to abuse them it is because they have no value.

-Tiredness and demotivation: The pain they feel inside causes them great discouragement and little gain from doing activities, not even leisure. They tend to be isolated and suffer moments of absence from the outside world, so it is important to pay attention to the victim and encourage him to do things and keep his mind busy with activities.

-Extreme sensitivity to what happens outside, taking any event personally. They tend to believe they are guilty of everything and deserving of the damage received.

-Distrust towards society due to the damage received. Even people who want to help you will have to go very slowly to gain your trust.


Normally a child who decides to harm another has problems. Something may go wrong in their family environment, they have emotional deficiencies, they need to vent the hatred they carry inside and attacking they feel a sense of power that apparently makes them forget other problems.

They lack empathy, they think that being aggressors they will not be victims but sooner or later they will also end up suffering the consequences of having hurt others. They are usually children with an inability to relate satisfactorily, they carry many problems and the way to hide them and to deceive themselves would be to harm others.

Although they appear to give an image of strength and power, deep down they don’t feel good about themselves.


If a person has been the victim of abuse, it would be positive for them to know that they were not chosen because they are worth less than others or because they deserve to receive punishment. The aggressors choose who tends not to complain, who does not resist, but it has nothing to do with personal worth.

In fact, there are great stars who have been victims of “bullying”, such as Sandra Bullock, Tom Cruise, Eva Mendes, Kate Winslet, etc … They got ahead by re-trusting themselves and they managed not only to lead a normal life, but to bring out their great talents as actors. Often the most talented people are the most harassed, since they stand out, they are different from others and in the stage of childhood and adolescence, the different is rejected.


1-Watch your inner dialogue, make sure it is free from hatred and personal contempt, remember that you were a victim and having suffered harassment has nothing to do with personal worth.

2-Do not stop doing activities since having a busy mind is of vital importance and if it is in the company of loved ones or good friends much better.

3-Inner forgiveness. Hating and cursing bullies does not fix things, it would be good to reflect on the problems that aggressors drag and change hatred and resentment for grief, since they suffer some type of social pathology and are unloaded with good people, sensitive and incapable of harm.

4-Promote your skills. It is important to take time to praise yourself for the virtues you have. After a bullying, self-esteem is very resentful, so it would be good to try to develop virtues by practicing the activity in which you excel positively.

5-Do not let the mistakes of others affect you. Remember that a stalker carries a lot of problems, so nothing he said or did should be taken personally, since the problem was with the stalker and you simply had the misfortune to cross his path.

6-Stop self-rejection and self-punishment. Avoid self-destructive thoughts, every time you feel that you are not worth it, remember that those thoughts are only the consequences of an aggression, but they are wrong thoughts because you are a very valuable person who deserves to be happy again.

7-Take care of yourself more than ever. Try to lead a healthy life, good nutrition, exercise, grooming, etc. All the care that you can give yourself will improve your emotional state.

8-Everything happens for something. It is good to think that everything in life happens to teach us something. The path of life puts many thorns ahead of us, but every time something is overcome, the person renews, matures and grows.


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