How To Overcome Social Insecurity?

How to overcome social insecurity?

Social insecurity is a more or less permanent state of doubt in which more and more people find themselves, affecting both their growth and their personal relationships. Feeling insecure compromises our professional and emotional success, as it ties up our creativity and makes “minimizing risks” our main objective.

It is no longer about reaching the goal or not, but about not stumbling along the way. Thus, insecurity makes us dedicate too many resources to defense, either due to the attacks of others or to mitigate the repercussions of a possible error.

In this way, it is not uncommon for our environment to perceive us as selfish, arrogant people, who lack empathy and are incapable of participating in a positive emotional environment. All of this forms the skeleton of a generally narcissistic personality loaded with poorly managed strength, showing excessive control and temperament.

A brake for the person


Woman hiding for social insecurity

Being in an emotional situation of personal insecurity prevents us from developing, it is we ourselves who put on the chains to restrict movements.

The goal is always to avoid losing control, so that actions become slow and any event is analyzed in detail. Even the most everyday decisions take on great significance.

To solve it, if this is your case, we suggest you choose to overcome your social insecurity from today as a challenge. A work of self-knowledge with which you will be able to feel free, forming a safe path to your own personal success step by step. Next, we tell you what are the steps to overcome your social insecurity.

Accept your social insecurity

The first essential ingredient to overcome social insecurity is to recognize it: we will not actively seek a solution to a problem unless we know or suspect its existence.

Try to identify the origin or causes that make you think that you will not perform a task properly, that you do not have everything you need to achieve success or that you give up in any situation that involves a step backwards. Remember that they are thoughts that you yourself are creating.

As soon as you know how to identify that those doubts or your negative way of acting with shades of arrogance or aggressiveness are generated by a problem of insecurity, you will generate an opportunity. It is the opportunity to begin to manage and overcome your own self-defense barriers, created initially to protect you and that have finally turned against you.

Recognize your values

Man lying thinking

The main condition of social insecurity is that it affects personal self-esteem, both intellectually and when relating to others or allowing ourselves to have a healthy relationship with the person we love. In addition, low self-esteem can be even more sunk – by comparison – if our environment of trust is successful and recognized.

Many of us have felt like this at some point, but confident people perceive this situation as an opportunity to push themselves to recognize their own achievements and personal capabilities.

If you carry out this task your security will begin to increase with success. Remember to do it with sincerity, taking into account the opinions of trusted people, without attacking them and remembering that they only want to help you and not form a front against you.

We just shared that each person has different lives and experiences, as well as stories. Each one of us lives we enjoy different strengths, tastes and opportunities. Use the success of others only as a motivation, push and measure to value themselves, from your own experience and not to get frustrated with yours.

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