Differences Between Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

Differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Although there are many theories about what motivates us, the truth is that people are motivated by both internal and external factors.  Personality, self-concept, and type of task often determine whether intrinsic motivation is dominant or extrinsic.

Why do we do what we do? What drives our behavior? Do you want to feel more motivated to be successful in your day to day? Every behavior has an underlying cause. Thus, understanding the motivators that drive behavior are key to changing or improving your results.

This is undoubtedly an issue that affects all of us directly. Experiences such as passing an exam, losing weight, getting our children to learn something specific, achieving a work goal or even improving as human beings requires that we integrate that magical component: motivation. However, the way we achieve that achievement is mediated by a wide series of processes.

Let’s dive into them below.

Hand picking up a medal with motivation

What is extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is defined as all those actions that we perform in order to obtain some type of external reward. It can be something physical, monetary, or a psychological reinforcement. That is, the motivating factor is not a natural consequence of the task.

The psychological forms of extrinsic motivation can also be praise. Children, for example, base a good part of their early behaviors on this type of motivation: they crave positive reinforcement from adults to regulate their behavior, build their identity and in turn form the basis of intrinsic motivation.
In fact, we cannot ignore a key aspect: much of extrinsic motivation becomes intrinsic motivation, sooner or later the human being learns to perform a series of behaviors and actions without expecting anything in return. In fact, we are not wrong if we say that this process, this change is one of the most analyzed in the world of education, as revealed by a study carried out at the University of Ottawa and the University of Quebec, in Canada .


What is intrinsic motivation

One of the best known theories about intrinsic motivation is that of self-determination. Enunciated in 1975 by psychologists by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, both professors at the University of Rochester, it states that people have three innate psychological needs:

  • The need to feel competent.
  • The need to relate.
  • The need for autonomy.

Thus, intrinsic motivation arises in the human being from the combination of these three dimensions. Reference is made above all to those actions where the person carries out a series of behaviors of their own free will, inspiration and desire. Never for a mere external reward.

Some examples of this type of motivation are to study to improve and feel fulfilled, to do what is asked of you because you know that it is your duty and that way you know yourself to be a better person, to do the work because you assume it as your obligation and thus you feel satisfied with yourself or participate in sports to improve yourself.

On the other hand, all those spontaneous tendencies that we carry out out of mere curiosity, to seek challenges or in order to develop our skills and knowledge, generate a whole series of benefits in our brain. This is undoubtedly a very relevant piece of information that invites us to reflect.

As revealed in a study carried out at Strathfield University, Australia and published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, intrinsic motivation favors the appearance of serotonin in our body, improves cognitive processes and relieves stress.


Which is better, intrinsic or extrinsic motivation

The main difference between the two types of motivation is that the extrinsic arises from outside the person and the intrinsic arises from the task itself. This does not mean that extrinsic motivation is worse than intrinsic. However, there are some important factors to keep in mind, especially when it comes to motivating others.

Man climbing some stairs with motivation

Researchers have found that the two types of motivation can differ in people’s effectiveness.  Some studies have shown that excess external rewards for already internally rewarding behavior can lead to a reduction in intrinsic. This phenomenon is called the overjustification effect.

  • However , extrinsic motivation can be beneficial in some situations. For example, external rewards can provoke an interest in participating in something in which the individual had no initial interest.
  • Additionally, extrinsic rewards can be used to motivate others  to acquire new skills or knowledge. Once these early skills have been learned, people can evolve into an intrinsic motivation to continue with the development of the activity.

External rewards can also be an important source of information, allowing people to know when they have reached the required level of performance, have exceeded the average or have reached the level that was expected of them.

Although most specialists suggest that intrinsic is better, it is not always possible. In some cases, people simply have no internal desire to participate in an activity. On the other hand, while over-rewards can be problematic, when used properly they can be a useful tool.

The role of rewards

Woman who is recognized at work for her intrinsic motivation

Researchers Lepper, Henderlong and Gingras from the University of Rochester in the United Kingdom have reached three conclusions regarding extrinsic rewards and their influence on intrinsic motivation. Importantly, unexpected external rewards usually do not detract from intrinsic motivation. For example, if a student gets a good grade because they enjoy learning and are rewarded, their motivation to learn will not be affected.

  • A second conclusion is that praise can increase internal motivation. Researchers have found that social recognition and positive feedback , when someone’s performance is above average, can increase intrinsic motivation. Other types of extrinsic motivators, such as materials, can decrease intrinsic motivation when it is already high.

Motivating others: How to apply extrinsic motivation?

Surely, many people wonder how I motivate my son, my father, my friend, my boyfriend …? First of all, we must bear in mind that there are several factors that influence motivation and there are no miracle solutions.

But, those who try to motivate another person extrinsically, it is important that they take into account:

  • The purpose, objective or goal, has to interest the other person. Therefore, it is very important to empathize and think that each person is different, such as their objectives, tastes, goals, etc.
  • Keep it simple. You don’t need to provide them with great or expensive things to motivate someone.
  • Be creative. The surprise factor is a great source of motivation

Some simple examples where you seek to properly motivate others:

  • If your son likes to spend time with you and you, let him practice on the piano, then listen to him rehearse.
  • Your father, your happiness gives him strength to go to work, smile at him when he walks out the door.
  • They ditch your best friend and he doesn’t want to leave the house, motivate him by going with him to the bar that he always proposes and that they never go to.

Lastly, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation can also play an important role in shaping learning. Some experts argue that an emphasis on external rewards reduces any intrinsic motivation. Others suggest that these extrinsic motivators help students feel more competent in the classroom, thereby enhancing the intrinsic one.

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