7 Desirable Job Competencies

Job skills are essential to find and develop at work.
7 desirable job skills

Each person performs their work in their own way, but the truth is that there are certain skills that enrich the work environment. Now, what are the desirable job competencies in a job?

Job competencies are the set of skills, attitudes and skills that defines an organization. They contribute to the well-being of the organization and are in tune with its mission and values. According to each organization and the professional that is sought, some will be more appreciated than others.

However,  there is a set of competencies that are usually sought in most workers. In this article you will see what are the 7 desirable job skills.

1. Teamwork, one of the most sought after job skills

Teamwork is an essential skill. What defines this competence is the ability to collaborate and cooperate with others, to establish a good environment and to work in a coordinated manner.

To demonstrate this competence,  we must think about our team or work group and try to keep our actions in line with corporate values. Thus, we must show openness to work with the other members of the organization.

Although this ability seems easy to develop, it is actually complex given the heterogeneity of opinions and ways of working. Some people feel that delegating or sharing functions will cause work to not be done in the best way. These are individualistic people who find it difficult to trust others.

Now, this competence can be developed, for which the first step is to be aware that we are not the only ones and that the work of a company depends largely on collaboration and a good atmosphere among employees.

Coworkers together

2. Responsibility

It’s about the commitment we have to work. It is essential to enter the world of work, because without this competition we will not be desirable to employers. This is because this competence has to do with a sense of duty and compliance.

If we do not have this competence, we will make it clear that we are not interested in our work, since we are not demonstrating our sense of duty. Also, if we do not meet our obligations, we are not working properly.

Now, you don’t have to go to extremes. Sometimes we can find ourselves with some inconvenience that does not allow us to fulfill our duty. Lacking the competence of responsibility means not complying on an ongoing basis.

3. Assertive communication, one of the most important job skills

Communication is essential in the work environment since without it we could not convey what we want to say. Now, when we talk about assertive communication, we refer to the ability to send the message we want in the best possible way.

This is the right way to interact with people. It is about expressing what we want in the best way, avoiding disqualifications, and having the greatest possible clarity. By doing it in the work environment, it will be easier for us to work. This way we avoid misunderstandings and, therefore, performance will be improved.

Accompanied by this competence is empathy. By putting ourselves in the place of the other, it is easier to communicate our thoughts and emotions, without expressing opinions or evaluations that cause misunderstandings. Organizations look for people who are able to listen, understand and adequately transmit information, so that there is a good work environment and that greater progress occurs.

4. Sense of belonging

The sense of belonging is the ability we have to defend and promote the interests of the company. To do this, we must be in tune with their values. If we demonstrate this competence, employers will be more interested in us, since having a loyal worker means that the company flows better.

In addition, the sense of belonging has to do with the ability to feel proud of being part of an organization. Employees who do not identify with the company tend to feel bad about it and, therefore, their performance is lower.

Now, you can improve this competition within a company by attending to the following points:

  • Through integration activities. These types of activities allow us to find motivation for the company.
  • Through training. Thus, we can know and learn the objectives of the company and identify with them. In addition, this allows us to improve our well-being by seeing our progress and motivating us with new opportunities to learn.
  • From personal and professional improvement. Being better people and better professionals can generate greater well-being, which will contribute to creating a better work environment that allows us to feel more identified with our work environment.

5. Ability to learn, essential in most jobs

Although we have great experience in each job, we learn something new. This competence consists precisely in the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills.

It is usually sought that workers have the ability to capture and assimilate concepts and information essential for the required performance. In this way, we can grow in our work and do it in the best way.

However, the ability to learn also allows our employers to see our interest and commitment to work. In addition, developing this competence can help us not only to assimilate new concepts, but also to learn from the mistakes we make and transform them into solutions.

6. Adaptation

It is about our ability to be flexible and versatile in the face of new people and situations, as well as accepting changes constructively. Doing so will cause fewer problems in the organization, so it is a desirable job competence.

This is an important capacity in the face of the coming changes, because in the face of new technologies and legislation, organizations are forced to carry out some transformations. Although we are not prepared for them, it is important to be able to face them in the best way, so that we demonstrate a good performance in our work.

In addition, if we develop or have this capacity, it will be easier for us to take on new challenges. Thus, we will have greater confidence in ourselves and it will be easier to face new situations and make decisions when faced with them.

Woman thinking about the benefits of finding happiness at work

7. Planning

Companies are interested in us fulfilling the assigned tasks. For this, planning is essential, as there are greater benefits. Now, it is about establishing priorities and choosing between the accessory and the urgent to carry out our duties.

In addition, by organizing our time in the best way, in order to achieve our objectives, we can accomplish more tasks more efficiently.

In addition, to plan we must be aware of what our limitations are. That is, knowing how far we can go and being disciplined so that those plans that we structure come true. It is not about reaching perfection, but it is about establishing a guideline that helps us manage our activities.

Now, a competence implies that there is an application exercise in certain situations. This is what María Antonia Gallard and Claudia Jacinto suggest in their article for the Education and Work Bulletin . In addition, they claim that they are not learned by magic but through experience and from pre and post-work learning.

Fortunately, we can begin to learn and teach the skills that we have pointed out in this article from a young age, in addition to acquiring them through work practice. These seven have been reviewed in this article because they apply to various types of work and contexts, but there are undoubtedly many more.

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