10 Things Depression Doesn’t Want You To Know

Depression is a painful and distressing illness. But there are certain actions we can take to weaken it.
10 things depression doesn't want you to know

Hello, my name is depression. We have been living together for a while now, as I have made your body my permanent home. Since I arrived I have taken everything from you, I have been ending your relationships, your interests and your energy. I know you hate me because I am consuming you day by day, but you must know that I am not here to harm you, but to make you aware.

My presence tells you that you needed to make a change, that you were going the wrong way. My company hurts because I need pain to make myself heard. Because when the messages were subtle you didn’t notice.

I am not here to destroy your life but to push you to build a better one. For this reason, (and even if confessing it means my disappearance) you must know that there are ways to win the battle. I am a tough opponent, but not invincible.

10 steps to beat depression

1. Social support

Depression tends to isolate us and separate us from people who love us and want to help us. If we are able to fight against this inertia, we will find that sharing with other people helps us to have different perspectives of what is happening. But above all, it reminds us that we are not alone.

2. Physical activity

Exercising is necessary to oxygenate our body and to be able to think clearly. Abandoning ourselves to a sedentary lifestyle will only worsen the situation, it will destroy our energy and our motivation will be less and less. Carrying out physical activity, especially in contact with nature, has a significant impact on your mood.


When faced with difficulties, it is easy to fall into emotional eating. It is common to try to fill the void with food, to try to alleviate negative feelings by eating food of little nutritional value. We need to learn healthier and more appropriate stress management tools.

4.Acceptance of depression

It is paradoxical that the more you try to fight negative emotions, the stronger they become. The only way to overcome them is by accepting their presence and letting ourselves be felt. Despite being unpleasant, they are necessary and we must allow ourselves to go through them. If we approach them in the right way, once they have delivered their message to us, they will go away.

Sad woman from depression

5. Positive emotions

Our thought pattern is a habit and, as such, it can be changed. The tendency to think negatively, to perceive dangers and difficulties is something acquired. With intention and perseverance we can accustom our mind to perceive events from a more positive prism.

6. Self-care

When depression enters our lives it is very common to abandon ourselves both physically and emotionally. It is essential to make the decision to start taking care of ourselves. Taking care of our body and our image with care, liking and empowering ourselves in front of the mirror.

It is also necessary to begin to attend to our emotional needs. Find time to dedicate ourselves and carry out all those activities that provide us with well-being. Even though you may not be interested in anything at the moment, engaging in positive activities on a daily basis will affect your mood.

Happy woman who has overcome depression

7. Calm

Negative emotions are unpleasant, painful, and distressing. We want to get rid of them and, in the face of difficulty, we assume that they will stay with us forever. This is not the case, remember that everything passes and depression will too. It is a transitory state that is not part of who you are.

8. Mindfulness

The ability to live in the present is one of the greatest allies in fighting depression. Focusing your attention on everyday activities leaves no room in your mind for the shame, fear and guilt that this disease tries to impose on you.

9. Treatment of depression

There are different effective treatment options for depression. There are professionals at your disposal capable of helping you get ahead. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak, it makes you brave. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual and you don’t have to have the answers to everything. Allow yourself to receive the help and acquire the resources you need to feel good again. 

10. Resilience

Resilience is the ability to learn and emerge stronger from a bad experience. Try to see depression as an opportunity to get to know yourself more deeply, to get in touch with your own wants and needs. Once you overcome it, you will be someone different, stronger, wiser and more sensitive.

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