A Tear Is Worth Stolen If The Thief Is A Book

A tear is worth stolen if the thief is a book

It is worth having a tear, a sigh, a laugh or your breath stolen from you if the thief is a book that among its bound pages contemplates a thousand stories of love, adventure, suspense, feelings wrapped in poems that wake up with emotions.

A book builds us, brings us closer to hundreds of realities that we could not even imagine. Because reading is more than just a pleasure that helps us to embrace our imagination and to understand reality.

Reading a book puts us on the shoes of freedom, helps us to manage our worries and immerses us in the sea as if we were fish and we knew each remote place of the immensity.

It is worth crying, laughing and dreaming when a book is responsible. Because thanks to them we understand the beauty of rainy afternoons lying on the sofa, living with mystery the adventure of a life that is not ours.

Of all the instruments of man, the most astonishing is undoubtedly the book. The others are extensions of your body. The microscope, the telescope, are extensions of your sight; the telephone is an extension of the voice; then we have the plow and the sword, extensions of the arm. But the book is something else: the book is an extension of memory and imagination.

Jorge Luis Borges

Heart formed with the sheets of a book

The pleasures of the love of reading are endless

There are feelings that are relieved by reading a good story in a great book. Sadness, anger, restlessness, anguish, etc. Reading each of our feelings and emotions manages to calm down, as it brings us closer to self-knowledge.

Do we not feel over and over again when reading the words or the characters of a novel? Have we not ever said something like: how well is it described here how I feel or everything I think?

Reading is a great source of inspiration and reflection. She feeds with an amazing capacity new horizons full of concerns and answers that we did not even contemplate asking ourselves.


By reading good books we put our thoughts, beliefs and feelings in order. Little by little we are unraveling a spider web that seemed knotted to us but that contains in itself a great symmetry.

Books sculpt our minds with wonderful references that offer meaning to our lives, that shape our hobbies and that poison our hours of pleasure, of escaping from the little dramas of everyday life.

You forget your problems, you free yourself from stress and worries, you distance yourself, you learn, you model your most creative thoughts and you become emotionally stronger. You can even get to get the answer to your problems or help you deal with them better.

The value of a book in our lives

By reading we always gain physical and emotional health. Because reading helps us prevent the development of dementias such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s; It also helps us to put ourselves in the place of others and understand them, that is, to work on our empathy and our emotional intelligence.

In addition to all these benefits to our health, reading a good book is a unique experience, a spectacular treatment that has no side effects. Because a book has the ability to give voice to our emotions, to try to know what it is to be in love, enrich our dreams and save our lives.

It is worth feeling pain if the one who makes us feel a book, because through it we will reign our kingdom without ostentation. Because through reading we can always learn without limits, take refuge and become aware of our thirst for knowledge and concerns. And so, without realizing it, with each page we reach the best version of ourselves.


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