Anticipate The I Can When I Want

Anticipate the I can to the I want

It may sound contrary to what we usually hear, you may have thought that the phrase is misspelled, but it is important to realize that not everything we want can be done, that sometimes wanting is not power.  This is important since perhaps if we first think about whether we can do what we want, the plan made with reality may be what prompts us to go for it.

Willing is not always going to be power and the sooner we realize it, the sooner we will know how to adapt our goals, value what we have, take risks wisely and with reason and not despair in the attempt. Because no, you can’t always get everything you want, no matter how much you want it. Therefore, let’s try to anticipate the I can at will, to see how it works for us.

With this phrase I do not mean that the limits must be close to achieve it, that we cannot see beyond what we have in front of, it is simply the foundation that helps us reason that not always, although we strongly desire it, we are going to achieve it. . Even so, we must not stop trying, we must not believe that we are at the top, we must not stop exceeding ourselves, we must not stop growing or setting ever higher limits. However, this we have to do always knowing where I can, to know how far I want.

Man from behind watching the sunset

I am more capable of “I can” if I know my limits

Perhaps our greatest virtue is in knowing what our limits are and being realistic about this. Unrealistic goals and false positivity are our worst enemies because they make us see that we can go the furthest by thinking positive and imagining a wonderful ending, when in reality what we need is to dedicate work, time and motivation to what we want.

The limits are personal and non-transferable, as well as adaptable. Maybe my limit today is at a certain height, but I have to know that I can achieve more, now I have to think about the formula. More time? More effort? More work? More organization? Where can I use my strengths? What aspects should I pay more attention to? This work requires the motivation of the I can, but also a personal work of knowledge in my work and my limits.

If I do not know how to delimit the territory, I run the risk of insured failure. When I know how to set goals and adapt them is when I have the power over them, because I make them realistic. That does not mean that I do not need positivity to achieve them, but I know that I work on something objective, that it poses challenges and I will have to make an effort but that I can, because I have the tools to achieve it, it only depends on me.

False positivity

Believing that positivity is always thinking that everything will be fine is not real. Positivity implies not always declining on the negative side, it implies continuing to see the options that still remain, in not anticipating all the bad that may happen, but that does not have to. It is not stopping working and continuing to find the motivation to see beyond what we now have in front of us.

Person walking

Positivity gives us the push, but it doesn’t make us accomplish anything. It is having the ON button turned on, but it still needs our steps to achieve what we want. This posture does not give us anything; However, it does bring us that distant goal or draw us a smile when we think we have arrived.

When positivity is realistic, it is our best companion, but when it drifts into excessive optimism, it becomes one of our worst enemies.  If we manage to become aware of our limits, we will be creating our own possibilities and we will be able to face what I want, but always because we work from where we can.

Therefore, the correct phrase, more adaptable and healthy for everyone could be:

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