Asking For Help Is An Act Of Courage

Asking for help is an act of courage

Why is it so hard for us to ask for help? For many people asking for help is quite an odyssey, holding various erroneous beliefs about what it means to ask for help.

In today’s competitive world, it is common to think that if we ask for help we are condemning ourselves to having to return the favor, with the belief that everything we do is done expecting to get something in return.

First of all ask yourself the following question: When you help someone do you expect to get something in return? Try to give yourself time to answer this question, as you may have been fooling yourself.

In general, what we expect of other people is a reflection of ourselves. Which means that to change our beliefs about other people, we would first have to focus on our self-concept.

We have made ourselves believe that we do not need anyone to get ahead, that we can be enough on our own and that asking for help is a sign of weakness. This belief has a basis of arrogance and pride that fuels our ego.

Recognize our limitations

Recognizing our limitations means taking charge of ourselves, keeping in mind that we do not have all the answers, we do not have the absolute truth, nor are we capable of self-management without the help of nature.

Learning to ask for help when it is needed is an act of humility and courage, recognizing the fact that we have tools that make us increase our possibilities and actions, our goals and our difficulties.


When we ask for help we are also giving a vote of confidence to the other person, thus breaking with the prejudices that we have. We strengthen ties and remove the armor of pride and arrogance that are part of victimization, believing that we cannot trust anyone or we are alone.

No one is more than anyone

When we ask someone for help, we are in turn acknowledging that no one is more than anyone else. Neither when we help are we above anyone, nor when they help us are we below. Getting help is not a humiliating act, nor does it involve lowering yourself to anyone.

The recognition that there are circumstances in which we need someone to accompany us, and help us face our difficulties; it makes us more human, closer to other people. Asking for help makes us more honest,  for when we are the ones who have to help someone.

Asking for help has nothing to do with failure, not dependency or inferiority. Asking for help has more to do with acknowledging your limitations, humility, and courage. Preparing ourselves to face and resolve our prejudices that make us distrust others.

Hand with butterfly

Dare to ask for help

Many people have had bad experiences in their life when they have needed help: they have not found people who at that moment could help them, or they have received help that is not what they expected and then there has been frustration.

An education based on interest and lack of affection can also lead to a lack of trust towards people in general. Believing that if you ask for help, you are in debt to the other person, and you have to make a return of the favor.

Women shaking hands

Making us aware that we are under all these influences, which are what make it difficult for us to ask for help. We will be ready to take the step of courage that is needed. Breaking our fears, ceasing to feed mistrust and isolation.

Dare to ask for help, trust the people who offer their help selflessly. You are not alone or alone, there are many people around you willing to help you when you need it. Take them into consideration, give them the opportunity to show you that they are really with you.

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