Autumn Depression, How To Cope With It?

Autumn depression, how to cope?

Beyond the circumstantial fact that one is in the northern or southern hemisphere and the difference in the seasons that this entails, the truth is that the arrival of autumn for many people brings with it certain emotional changes associated with a feeling of sadness. It’s the fall depression.

Autumn is coming and long, sunny days give way to shorter, gray ones. Summer ends and autumn bursts onto the calendar. With the arrival of this new season, many people experience changes in their mood. They feel more tired than usual, sadder, wanting to spend more time alone and with more appetite. Is this change normal?

The changes that autumn produces in our body 

Pensive woman with autumnal depression

In addition to bringing ocher landscapes, cooler temperatures and rainy days, autumn also brings a change in our vital rhythms, due to the decrease in hours of natural light. This alteration, together with the cold, causes in our body a feeling of sadness that is known as autumn depression or seasonal affective disorder.

By reducing the hours of exposure to sunlight, our brain produces less serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating our mood, eating behavior or sleep, among other things. The arrival of autumn does not affect us all with the same intensity.

The most common symptoms are a lack of energy and motivation to carry out daily routines, as well as a feeling of unease and sadness. The normal thing is that this restlessness disappears as the calendar advances and our body adapts to the new season. However, if this discomfort persists and lasts over time, it is best to turn to a professional.

Activities That Help You Cope With Fall Depression

Generally, autumn depression is a temporary disorder that we can combat by performing a series of activities that will help us cope with this seasonal change in a more positive way.

do not stay at home

Extend the exposure to natural light,  try to take walks or carry out tasks in the hours of the day with more sunlight. Also exercise outdoors, you will see how your mood and energy improve.

Woman watching the sunset to overcome autumnal depression

Sleep well

Try to sleep the hours you need and regularly throughout the week. Altering sleep at this stage can be negative for our mood.

Watch your diet

Food becomes a fundamental element to successfully face this change of season. Try to eat healthy and balanced foods. It includes legumes, cereals, meat and vegetables that provide iron and strengthen the body.

Nuts are another good ally that will help us increase our energy reserves. On the contrary, avoid refined sugar products and simple carbohydrates.

Encourage your social life and indulge yourself

Try to plan meetings with family and friends. This will prevent you from running away from social life and tending to isolate yourself. And do  those activities that you like the most, such as reading a book, listening to music or painting.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to challenge these symptoms of decay that are associated with autumn. Face this season in a different way, enjoy it and successfully overcome this time of year.   

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