Can We Fall In Love With The Person We Want? The Experiment That Guarantees Mutual Infatuation

Can we fall in love with the person we want?  The experiment that guarantees mutual infatuation

As curious as it is surprising, an experiment that is based on a questionnaire of 36 questions and a few glances at your laboratory partner, guarantees that at the end of it falling in love is safe … or at least that is what the inventor of this curious test, Arthur Aron, affirms. , Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto (Canada).

His thesis is based on the fact that love is not a feeling that appears suddenly, we fall in love because at a given moment we decide to do so. If you are tired of Internet websites that promise to find you love or of waiting for chance to want to help you out, Professor Aron invites you to take this questionnaire.

In fact there is a curious story that we are going to tell you to see what you think. A professor of Literature at the University of British Columbia in Mancouver, Mandy Len Craton decided to try the experiment that would later be reported in The New York Times newspaper …


What exactly does the experiment consist of?


Yes, yes, we haven’t forgotten the teacher, but let’s go through the experiment first. First of all, it must be said that the questionnaire is designed to create great intimacy between two people, an intimacy that sometimes takes months or years to achieve between people; and it is that as we grow we have the tendency to open ourselves less to others. This test ensures that intimacy can be achieved in just 25 minutes.

After the 36-question questionnaire, the two strangers must look into each other’s eyes for 4 long minutes without looking away. According to Aron, these two easy steps to make you fall in love!


But continuing with the story … what happened to our teacher, this curious woman who wanted to undergo the experiment?


Well, he decided to do the experiment with a co-worker. They both took the questionnaire in a bar and when they finished, they both thought that looking into each other’s eyes was better to do it outside that crowded bar, so they walked to a nearby bridge … and there they began the second test … 4 minutes of gazes; in fact, they set the timer on their respective mobiles to make it 4 minutes, not one more, not one less.

“I spent the first couple of minutes trying to breathe normally. There were many awkward smiles until we got used to it. I know that the eyes are the mirror of the soul ”…

The truth is that a year later he married his experiment partner. Of course all his lab colleagues were invited to the link. Surprising right?

This experiment is intended to promote 2 basic ingredients in all infatuation, intimacy and trust.

Do you want to know which are the most interesting questions in the questionnaire?  Well, then we present them to you and how you can observe the intimacy is increasing at the same time that we advance in the questions:


1. If you could choose anyone in the world, who would you invite to dinner?

2. Would you like to be famous? How?

3. Before making a phone call, do you rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

4. For you, what would a perfect day be like?

5. When was the last time you sang alone? And for someone else?

6. If you could live to be 90 and have the body or mind of someone in your 30s for the last 60 years of your life, which of the two would you choose?

7. Do you have a secret hunch about how you are going to die?

8. Say three things that you think you have in common with your interlocutor.

9. For what aspect of your life are you most grateful?

10. If you could change one thing in how you were raised, what would it be?

11. Take four minutes to tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.

12. If you could wake up tomorrow enjoying a new skill or quality, what would it be?

13. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you ask it?

14. Is there something you have wanted to do for a long time? Why haven’t you done it yet?

15. What is the greatest achievement you have achieved in your life?

16. What do you value most in a friend?

17. What is your most valuable memory?

18. What is your most painful memory?

19. If you knew that in a year you were going to die suddenly, would you change something in the way you live? Why?

20. What does friendship mean to you?

21. How important is love and affection in your life?

22. Alternately share five characteristics that you consider positive about your partner.

23. Is your family close and loving? Do you think your childhood was happier than others?

24. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?

25. Say three sentences using the pronoun “we”. For example, “we are in this room feeling …”.

26. Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone to share with…”.

27. If you were to become a close friend of your partner, share with him or her something that would be important for them to know.

28. Tell your partner what you liked the most about him or her. Be very honest and say things you wouldn’t say to someone you just met.

29. Share with your interlocutor an embarrassing moment in your life.

30. When was the last time you cried in front of someone? And alone?

31. Tell your interlocutor something that you already like about him.

32. Is there anything that seems too serious to joke about?

33. If you were to die tonight without the possibility of speaking to anyone, what would you regret not having said to someone? Why haven’t you told him until now?

34. Your house is on fire with all your possessions inside. After saving your loved ones and your pets, you have time to make one last foray and save a single object. What would you choose? Why?

35. Of all the people who make up your family, what death would you find the most painful? Why?

36. Share a personal problem and ask your interlocutor to tell you how he or she would have acted to solve it. Also ask him how he thinks you feel about the problem you shared.


The application is already in a mobile game


Many are the newspapers around the world that have published the 36 questions of Professor Aron and even a 20-year-old American boy had the idea of ​​creating an application “The love game” or “The game of love.” You just have to convince another experiment partner, answer the questionnaire and watch the 4 minutes without interruption. Will love arise? So you can see for yourself.

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