Cryptocurrency, When Your Brain Unconsciously Plagiarizes Ideas

Cryptomnesia is a very particular way in which our mind copies certain patterns that we observe. This has its good and bad parts, like everything else. We explain it to you below.
Cryptomnesia, when your brain unconsciously plagiarizes ideas

It is difficult to think that our brain can plagiarize ideas unconsciously, but it is something that happens more times than we think.

The plagiarism unconscious refers to an idea or solution that we consider creating new but has actually existed previously. In other words, we are not the pioneers of any of these three things, even if we think so.

How many people have invented something that has already been created, but they considered it to be an original idea? They are not really aware that they are plagiarizing.

Unconscious plagiarism happens on many occasions. Maybe it happened to you too …

Unconscious plagiarism

The term cryptomnesia has its origin in the Greek word “kryptos” (hidden) and “mnesia” (memory or memory). In other words, we plagiarize without realizing it, something that seems new to us, but has already been created.

Our mind usually stores in some place in our brain, everything that it perceives through the senses. That is why, normally, we remember or “sound like” something that we remember at a certain moment.

It is normal that we do not remember everything, but we know that it is not of our own making, that it is not something that has suddenly occurred to us.

When the opposite happens, when we believe that it is our original idea and it really is not,  it is called cryptomnesia.

Man thinking ideas

Is it something we can avoid? No, it is something that happens unconsciously in our mind. We cannot control him and, on many occasions, he plays tricks on us.

In crypto, we constantly recover memories that have been forgotten, but that we live as if they were original.

As it is something that is beyond our control, since always and even now, constant plagiarism problems continue to arise that should already be eradicated. In some cases, they are the cause of cryptomnesia.

In the world of music, cinema, literature, there have been several problems of plagiarism. But to what extent can they be justified? If cryptomnesia is something unconscious, what fault can the person who is the victim of this phenomenon have?

What makes us susceptible to it?

Can all people suffer from cryptocurrency ? What are the factors that make us susceptible to it?

There are a number of causes that can lead to an increased risk of suffering from it. When cryptomnesia can affect our work or our own lives, this has a reason.

The first of them may be the high concentration that we can have when considering an idea.

The great mental tension that we present can cause us not to memorize that memory effectively, because our attention span is reduced by this tension. Therefore, later, we could remember it as something totally new.

The second one deals with the possibility of leaving an idea in oblivion for too long. That is, when we contact an idea, but there is a long period of time in which we forget it and do not remember it, it is possible that when we do,  we believe that it is something original and new that has not happened before.

In the last and third, the motive is the search for the solution to an idea. Similar to the first of the points, finding a solution to something makes us pay our full attention. This causes that the idea is not properly impregnated in our brain. In this way, we will create it new when that memory returns.

Due to this explanation, many plagiarists would see a light to justify their plagiarism. But do not stop thinking about how much it must affect a person to discover that the idea was not his. You may feel like an unconscious thief, you may feel depressed because you cannot come up with original ideas.

Today, almost everything is thought and created. Although there is always a new vision, a new position to offer. We must not forget that plagiarism is a crime.

And if for some reason we are victims of crypto, we must accept our mistake and not rebel against plagiarism that we have not been aware of.

If this has ever happened to you, let us know! Surely, a new idea, opinion or anything else that you consider original and of your own making may not be like that. Cryptomnesia is more common than it seems.



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