Daring Means Losing Your Balance For A Moment

Daring means losing your balance for a moment

Boldness always has something optimistic about it. To dare is to be part of the resistance formed by extraordinary beings, who manage to build and advance. Not daring, on the other hand, may imply living by halves, as in an eternal rehearsal that never gets to be released.

Daring implies losing balance. To do this, you have to have the courage and the decision to go out and look for it, even knowing in advance that there is a good dose of risk, fear and insecurity behind it. But by not doing so, we attract the danger of getting lost by not finding ourselves. Fear is always ready to see things worse than they are, to modify our gaze in that way.

Everything we want to achieve is outside, because what we already carry inside belongs to us. We have to launch ourselves, only then we will not miss the good in life. Everyone can do it, but not everyone has the courage to try. Sooner or later we will become our thoughts.

Happy jumping woman

On many occasions, it is just a matter of daring

Fear, if you let it take control, does not hesitate to become its slave. In addition, he does it in such a stealthy way that, when you want to realize it, you are already a prisoner. The key to this padlock on many occasions is to arm ourselves with courage, even daring at certain times, with faith in ourselves and in our possibilities. Think that we cannot swim towards new horizons if we do not have the courage to lose sight of the coast.

All of us, at least once, have found ourselves at the crossroads of having to decide whether to launch ourselves, risking everything, or whether to sit and watch the triumphs pass by. We have felt that fear, but at the same time that illusion of getting down to work and achieving it, of overcoming difficulties and enjoying the process.

All progress is due to the fact that people dare to be different. Think of the self-propelled steam vehicles of the 18th century. No one, except its creator, Nicolás-Joseph Cugnot, believed in this illusion that only he dared to embody. Remember how many things seemed crazy to us until they came true and think if you could not have participated or created any of them.

If we stay in the prologue of our life, we will hardly know, because most of  the answers are only found in action. As Robert Lee Frost an American poet considered one of the founders of modern poetry, said: “In two words I can summarize how much I have learned about life: keep going.”

Woman covering her face out of fear

Motivation is when your dreams wear work clothes

Most geniuses, considered so for doing something daring, do not necessarily think they are or act out of motivation to be or to be viewed this way by others, they only do what they are motivated to do. Studies tell us that l

Although daring is momentarily losing balance, it is in many cases a necessary price to pay so that the new balance we achieve is even more solid and, above all, more exciting. In this way, deep down, we all have a mission: to make it happen.

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