Do You Know How A Baby Evolves In Its First 3 Months Of Life?

Do you know how is the evolution of a baby in its first 3 months of life?

We are facing a really interesting topic. The evolution of the baby, of the human being, in its first months of life. An evolution that goes beyond the physical. The changes are huge and can be seen in a very short time. It is a stage in which you grow faster, at a speed that can even be scary. A wonderful time that most parents enjoy with curiosity and excitement.

It is important to know these giant steps that the baby is taking, but it is also important to remember that each baby has its own rhythm. Therefore, comparing the evolution of one and the other will not make much sense in itself, since each one follows their own times. On the other hand, it will if in these times there is a great difference with respect to the normative development; something that in any case should be evaluated by a specialist.

In its first month the baby will discover a new world

In the first month the baby will begin to discover this world in which he has just entered. His tendency will be to instinctively adapt to the environment that surrounds him. Changes in light, very loud sounds … all this will attract your attention and will tend to orient yourself to the place where these stimuli occur. Either with your arms or your legs.

Your sucking reflex is highly developed and will be your way of locating your food source. It’s funny to see this in that first month, since they do it completely instinctively. Crying is instinctive too. They cry because they are hungry, cold, hot, or because they need their mother’s attachment.

Sleeping baby

The baby’s cry always originates from a basic need that is not being satisfied. It is never for “getting care.” Therefore, here there should be no fear of spoiling this creature that is not even a month old …

He cries because he needs food, he needs to feel comfortable and he needs his reference figure. To the source of attachment, the person who gives you love, nourishment and cares for you so that you are well in the world you have just entered. Crying is his way of asking for what he needs … For this reason we have to listen to that need and satisfy it as quickly as possible.

Smiles multiply in the second month of life

In the second month they begin to make their first guttural sounds to catch the attention of their parents and they begin to smile. Here begins the well-known and long-awaited social smile, which has a meaning and a purpose in itself. It is a kind of communication between the baby and its parents. They smile when they smile at them, when they pamper them, when they caress them.

This little creature is already beginning to be more receptive to the gestures of love from those who gave it life. Needs encouragement. Stimuli that will help you understand and predict the world around you. It is a crucial moment for the baby’s attachment, as they need human contact and presence. It is a fundamental basic need.

Baby in arms

Your thumb will be your new ally, it will tend to introduce it into your mouth and suck it. As a habit that they are incorporating into their new life routine. Thus, we can see our baby sucking his thumb and sucking it with the same force that he does with his mother’s breast or with the bottle.

In the third month, visual stimuli hijack your attention

In the third month of life we ​​can observe a reflection that inspires tenderness, but which is, after all, one more reflection. This reflex is when they take our finger with their hands and grasp it with all their strength. It is one of the reflections that reassures us to see, since it speaks well of the baby’s state of health.

Mom giving her baby a kiss

In this month they are especially curious about moving objects and everything that shines or is striking for their eyes. They turn their head and direct it towards the stimulus that has hijacked their attention. They can fix their attention for a short time on the object. As time passes, this ability to hold attention will increase.

And finally it is in this month when they will begin to babble.  They do it, sometimes, in response to the words of their parents. Once again we can see how in such a short time the achievements they achieve are immense. The baby will seek to communicate and relate to his parents, either with their head turns, with their sounds, or with their gaze. Without a doubt, we are faced with a great treasure in hand to discover and to enjoy!

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