Do You Know Your Biggest Rival? Don’t Let It Sabotage Your Dreams!

Do you know your biggest rival?  Don't let it sabotage your dreams!

When asking about your rival, some names may come to mind. However, this question has a very simple answer … that adversary to which we refer, is about yourself. We are responsible for the decisions we make and we must assume the consequences that each election process implies; of course, we will always be exposed to making mistakes.

To choose is to resign, but many times people do not want to take the initiative and decide the path for fear of being wrong. It is a big mistake.

Despite the weaknesses that characterize us as humans, it is necessary to maintain our self-esteem at the right level to achieve what we want, without falling into the extreme of “self-centeredness.”

Science revelations

The human brain needs to set goals, clear and accurate information for us to achieve our goals. In other words, “to travel the road you have to know where we are going.” If we focus only on identifying what we want to avoid, the undesirable, then we will lose sight of the horizon we want to reach.

This means that the trust we place in the bank of our mind will be essential to obtain profits. If we have internal conflicts and our self-confidence is being affected, it is time to question ourselves!

Listen to your inner SELF

Eileen Luders, a neurologist at the University of Los Angeles in the United States, affirms that meditation influences the brain’s ability to modify and adapt to environmental changes, improving the connection between its neurons.

Undoubtedly, we have an incredible ability to overcome any obstacle and achieve success. The only thing that is necessary is to look towards the immense inner universe, to be sincere with the innate wisdom that we carry within to be able to clearly define if the actions that we project to the outside coincide with the true essence of our being.
In other words, self-questioning is a fundamental key to intuit what decisions we must make.

On many occasions, we have made the decision in advance. However, we consult others; not because we don’t know what to do, but to validate our decision.

Everything is clear?

“Self-questioning” means talking to oneself or carrying out a work of introspection, defined by psychology as the knowledge that the subject has of his own mental states to make a new assessment of the world around him.

Routine often deafens us, blinds us and we end up living in an almost mechanized way. We daily absorb an amount of information that we store in our unconscious, which in the long run produces a disconnection with our own dreams and expectations.

Am I really happy with my work? Do I eat healthily? Do I feel that my partner values ​​me? Should I learn to say yes? Have I stopped meeting my goals? Do I want to be closer to my family? ? Do I have friends who enrich my life? … If for a long time, these questions and many others that have to do with your present have not crossed your mind, perhaps it is time to take a while to reflect, to question yourself.

Self-questioning is having the strength to recognize ourselves in an ocean of emotions. If we are captains of our ship, navigators in the sea of ​​our experiences, no one else will be able to lead it to triumph. We have the intelligence and wisdom to set a course, wherever consciousness and our dreams drive us. Have no doubts: you can reach paradisiacal destinations …

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