Does The Use Of Technology Bring Us Closer Or Further Away?

Does the use of technology bring us closer or further away?

Smartphones gave a new life to the way we communicate. Messaging, email and social networks, all in one device and at your fingertips. But, at times and paradoxically, what should bring us closer seems to be moving us further and further away. Since the abuse or misuse of technology is leading the human being to a virtual relational world and away from the real one.

That new communication tools are useful few can argue. Used well they are excellently positive because they contribute to making the local, global and the global, local. They approach and give visibility to what was previously distant. For example, a video conference can bring people from different parts of the world together and give them the option of seeing their faces. Social networks are valid ways to find people we have not seen for a long time and to get back in touch.

When technology isolates

The dilemma here lies in the misuse and abuse of these tools, especially among children, adolescents and young people. Many of them spend hours in front of the computer monitor waiting for answers from their friends on social networks. 

They also spend hours without looking at someone in front of them because the cell phone has them trapped constantly sending and receiving messages. Just go outside and find this scene all the time. And not only among the youngest, but also among adults.

Let’s take an example. From now on, look at the number of families or groups of friends that when they go out for dinner or a drink have their members using their mobile phones on the table. Sometimes they don’t even exchange words for minutes. Wouldn’t it be more beautiful and adaptive to talk about experiences, tell curiosities or simply enjoy the company of others looking into their eyes? What do you think?

The misuse of these artifacts, by constantly distancing ourselves from face-to-face relationships , sooner or later makes us feel isolated, even though we believe that we remain more connected than ever. And, for some people it can lead to a depressive state or other types of difficulties.

Put it to good use

Giving proper use to new technologies is the best way to avoid losing human contact.

For example, with the mobile phone we can make quick inquiries, search for restaurants, gas stations … We can also make a call from anywhere and at any time. Now you can even pay for purchases just by downloading an application and bringing the device closer.

For its part, e-mail has the main advantage of being able to give an asynchronous response, especially in what refers to the professional field.

Social networks can help us create projects, stay updated, follow streaming events, find out what our friends are doing, increase the network of professional contacts or find people we have not seen for a long time.

Another important issue has to do with the time we dedicate to our computer and our mobile phone (outside working hours). In this case, it is best to dedicate no more than a couple of hours each day to have time for ourselves and to give others what I call our real time.

Is it the same to waste time sending messages than to find yourself at a point and use that time talking?

Words cannot be substituted

Looking at each other’s faces and being able to establish a real contact with the other makes us grow, nourishes us and enriches us. A smile, a hug, a conspiratorial facial gesture … You wouldn’t change it for anything, would you?

Therefore, if you are one of the people who spends too many hours hooked on the mobile, tablet or computer, try going out and leaving the “whatsapp” a little aside. Thus, you can lead to more encounters between people around you. A good conversation has no substitute.

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