Emotional Management: A Fundamental Pillar Of Resilience

Who has taught us emotional management? Has anyone had a subject with this name? How do we make decisions in difficult situations? In this article we invite you to find answers and to find other valuable questions.
Emotional management: a fundamental pillar of resilience

Surely more than once you have experienced emotions that you did not know how to handle, intense and very painful. You’ve also likely found yourself in puzzling situations that you just wanted to escape from. In these moments, if there is something that can give us back control, in the face of temptations and impulses, it is intelligent emotional management.

An emotional management that, in many cases, is the key that opens the doors of success, making it easier for us to make the right decisions. Thus, becoming aware of our emotions and learning to manage them gives us a huge adaptive advantage in today’s society.

People with drawn faces of different emotions

Learn to live with our emotions

Understanding the particular emotional universe is a limitless task for improvement. The reality is that we are faced with a multitude of experiences at different times and to which we react differently. In this way, learning to know ourselves and understand what we feel at each moment can help us to give an adapted response.

Managing negative valence emotional states is not an easy task; Different physical symptoms may be present, such as headaches, sweating, heat stroke, gastrointestinal pain, which make emotional management difficult. In these circumstances , the thoughts that torment us stand out, associated with emotions such as guilt, fear, or frustration.

Emotional management to be resilient

Managing our emotions is essential for our development and has a great impact on our self-esteem and way of relating to the environment and with others.

So much so that emotional management programs are being implemented in educational centers. These initiatives are based on the idea of ​​becoming aware of our emotional world from a young age and building patterns of behavior and effective relationships.

In addition, there are more and more efforts dedicated to researching methods that help us with emotional management in our day to day. This is the case of training programs to enhance our consciousness and learn to identify our emotions properly. So we have a space to respond to them and not just react.

Along these lines are some programs focused on mindfulness training, such as the MBSR by Jon Kabat Zinn and the MBMB by Santiago Segovia, to acquire full awareness and be able to self-manage. They are usually based on strategies that increase our competition in the face of everyday crossroads, with a special focus on resilience .

Tweezers with faces of emotions

Habits to enhance resilience

Some useful strategies in the framework of emotional management would be:

  • Become aware of who you are, what you want, where you are taking the steps in your life. This will help you to know your weaknesses and your strengths. It is the latter that make great sense because by enhancing them we will be able to obtain a greater balance in the face of difficulties.
  • Learn from experience. Every time you suffer a fall on your way, ask yourself what you are living those circumstances for.
  • Dedicate yourself to what you are passionate about. Discover what your purpose is because it will give you the energy to move in the direction of what you dream of and it will be easier to recover from any failure.
  • Work on your resilience. Resilience is learned as we face the different circumstances that arise in our lives. It can be developed because it is a set of skills that will make us overcome more and more quickly in the face of adversity.

Emotional intelligence, the key to emotional management

Emotional intelligence influences our personal future, our success, marking points of support as important as social relationships. Emotional intelligence stands out as a competency of people with good personal self-management.

People with good emotional intelligence are better adapted to the ecosystem in which they operate, being in turn better prepared for the changes and challenges that these may pose. We speak of greater self-control, but also, for example, of better fear management that can inspire uncertainty.

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