How To Achieve Emotional Wisdom

How to achieve emotional wisdom

Thoughts, fears, aspirations, doubts, complexes, envies, dreams to fulfill, regrets and emotions, a cluster of disorderly emotions …

People are a conglomerate of all this and much more. We are a wonderful complexity that makes us brave and instantly vulnerable. Complex dualities in which we believe we are in control of our lives, and yet we never stop reeling like ships adrift.

Will we ever be able to reach a balance? Will we reach that needed emotional wisdom that makes us better understand ourselves and others? It is difficult, we know. Quite a challenge where every day we will have to investigate a little more in ourselves to reach a complete knowledge of what we need and what we are.

In this nervous life full of responsibilities and problems, we hardly have time to listen to our own voice. There are many echoes that reach us. Words that command us. Work and personal obligations that inoculate us with stress and anxiety, those modern diseases that aspirin or hot showers do not cure.

The true cure for many current ills is sometimes found in ourselves, in knowing how to find that point of equilibrium in which, one morning, we say to ourselves in a low and proud voice “today I am happy, today I feel good”. Emotional wisdom has a lot to do with it. Hence, we want to offer you some simple keys for you to achieve it.

1. Listen to your body more than your brain

Your mind will immediately open the day’s agenda every morning: you must do this and that,  you must call such a person, you must go here, forget about that other thing because you will not have time … Our brain is sometimes Machiavellian and pushes us like a jet engine towards what we are supposed to do.

Woman with butterflies

But what does your body say? How do you feel? Do you see yourself with the strength to get out of bed? Do you suffer from many headaches or muscle aches? Maybe he is pointing you to something. And there may come a time when even though your brain tells you “go ahead,” your body will tell you “I can’t.” Hence, it is essential that you know how to listen to it, because the emotions grind silently in it, in that stomach full of nerves, in that fear that tenses your neck … listen to it.

2. Accept what you feel

Never disguise your emotions with masks to hide them. Do not hold back, do not shut up, do not hide. .. hiding our feelings as if nothing happened will fragment us inside and in silence.

Disguised emotions that we prefer to bury to pretend that we are well or that they have not hurt us, is something really dangerous for our balance. Emotional wisdom comes with the acceptance of who we are, and what we feel at any given moment.

3. Do what makes you feel good

So simple and so difficult. Do what we feel and not what we should. It is something complex without a doubt, but insofar as we can it is essential that we always seek this end.

Doing what is rewarding and enriching us, that makes us feel useful, is essential for our personal and emotional development. It does not matter that, for example, you spend your life doing things for others, it is not to the rest of the world that you have to prove something, it is to yourself.

woman with flowers on her head

True happiness always begins in one’s interiority. If you are happy and satisfied with who you are and what you do, then you will be able to contribute well-being to others as well.

4. Change as an opportunity to mature

Life is change. It is to go up steps, there where to find enough energy to take on new challenges and realities. The aim will always be to achieve your own well-being.

Take care of everything around you, feel, listen, learn … a flexible spirit that knows how to adapt and that faces tomorrow with optimism, is a brave person who is not afraid of changes.

5. Develop empathy

To develop good empathy, first, we have to be able to listen to ourselves, to know what our feelings and emotions say. Only when we are able to understand ourselves, we will also be able to read other people’s emotions, understand them and make them our own.

With the development of our levels of empathy, we get closer to others and we put ourselves in their point of view to make the distances closer and reality, less complicated. How about starting the engine of change today?

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