How To Overcome Post-vacation Syndrome

The famous post-vacation syndrome affects more than half of the people who return from vacation. We will teach you to minimize its impact.
How to overcome post-vacation syndrome

Who has not suffered on some occasion, or on many occasions, the post-vacation syndrome. On vacation, many people take advantage of those days to relax, to go to the beach, to escape to the mountains away from the madding crowd or to make the trip of their dreams to the other side of the Earth.

However, when we return to the routine again, there it is, waiting for us. It is not something strange, on the contrary, the post-vacation syndrome affects more than 60% of the people who return home after the summer.

Are you part of this percentage? Do you want the return to work to be as traumatic as possible? If you want to face him, pay close attention to the following tips that we show you below. Surely that way you will come back with much more positive energy.

How to overcome post-vacation syndrome

1. Get used to schedules

Woman turning off her alarm clock

On vacation we always tend to get up when we please, and when we return to work so suddenly, it takes us a world to get up early.

For this reason, it is important that a week before returning to the routine you get used to your body to get up a little earlier than normal. One day I get out of bed an hour earlier than usual, the next day 2 hours… and so on. Surely this way it will be much easier for you to get up when necessary.

2. Run away from the daily routine

When we resume our respective professional tasks, we always tend to fall into a routine. You always take the same route, you talk to the same people, you eat in the same places … Shortly after returning it seems that there was never a vacation.

This causes a certain feeling of sadness that makes us miss those days that we spend away from everything. To avoid this, it wouldn’t hurt to do unusual things like exotic sports, discover new hobbies, or take a little getaway for the weekend.

3. Facing the post-vacation syndrome, positive thinking

As is normal, just before going back to work, we don’t stop thinking about “everything that is coming our way”. Meetings, discussions with the boss, strict schedules … All this creates added stress.

Given this, the first thing you have to do is calm down and calm down. It is also important that you organize yourself with everything you have to do before returning to work. This way you will avoid stress that the only thing they will do is deconcentrate you.

4. Don’t stop doing the things you did on vacation

Girlfriends sharing while having coffee

There are things that we only usually do when we are on vacation, such as going to the pool, walking on the beach, or going shopping and then having an ice cream with a friend. Why don’t you do this too when you get back to the routine?

If you continue giving yourself those little whims, the return to your obligations will not be so traumatic and stressful. And it is that thanks to these little pleasures, you will get a pinch of happiness. In addition, this way you will also be able to relax and disconnect a little from everything that surrounds you.

5. Rest and chase away the post-vacation syndrome

It is useless if you start working already stressed. Stick to sleep schedules and try to relax. The only thing that fatigue will do is aggravate that post-vacation syndrome. Forget about alcohol and caffeine, none of them will help you cope with the first few days back to normal, rather the opposite.

As you have seen, it is important to get used to certain habits a few days before returning to work. Surely if you put them into practice, you will return to your daily routine with well-charged batteries and wanting to take over the world.

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