I Have Learned That Being With What I Like Is Enough

I have learned that being with what I like is enough

“I have learned that being with what I like is enough,” wrote Walt Whitman sensibly. We went to it to talk about the importance of what we colloquially call “being at ease .

Let’s think about how good we feel when we are in a celebration surrounded by people who love us, let’s think about the difference between being comfortable at work and getting along with our colleagues, if not.

We can go to a lot of situations to talk about the importance of valuing what we have, of being aware that what makes us happy is the collection of reasons why we are interested in staying in a place with certain people.


Disappointment, a matter of expectations

It is normal (and usual) that we feel disappointed from time to time. In fact, the difficult thing would be not to be, because at the end of the day we cannot pretend that our expectations fit with reality or with the world around us.

Let’s say that we are preparing a celebration for someone special and that we put all the illusion in the world in the process. However, when the person in question arrives, he protests again and again because what has been prepared “does not fit into his schemes.”

Woman with eyes covered by leaves on a tree

The attitude of this person is being unfair and not very emotionally intelligent, because he is not appreciating that what is truly important is that there are people who love him by his side and that is something that is usually gratifying to all of us.

By this we mean that when we put on the automatic protester and we go around complaining about every detail that does not meet our expectations, we are:

  • Wanting to create an unreal world, which is not ideal.
  • Mistreating the essence of events.
  • Ignoring what is really important.

Many times our own circumstances bring us back to reality, making us see that if we are really not comfortable it is because we refuse to accept something that in itself can be wonderful.

butterflies around light knob

Acceptance of our emotions and our reality

The world of rosy does NOT exist. It is important that we accept that feeling sad, afraid or angry is not bad, but helps us to learn and feel. In fact, many times people are surprised to be sad and at ease.

How is it possible to feel comfortable when an unpleasant emotion is present? It is simply a matter of tuning in to what we need at that moment. For this, we must first give up paying attention to the marketing that tries to sell us the world as a rosy ideal.

We are not machines and everything is not always positive in life. Realizing this allows us to maintain an appropriate attitude in the face of the barrage of problems that sometimes overshadow our calm. Well-being is not only achieved through joy, but is achieved through the acceptance of our experiences, the search for what is good for us and the encounter with our site.

In short, as we have already said, to be comfortable we need an attitude of acceptance and coexistence. Because at the end of the day, whoever has a beautiful life is because they admire its beauty, regardless of the fact that what happens is negative at times.

Hand touching water

To finish we leave you with a fragment of a Borges poem that we have already highlighted on other occasions, “Over time I learned”:

Over time you realize that even if you are happy with your friends, one day you will cry for those you let go.

Over time you realize that each experience   lived with each person is unrepeatable.

Over time you realize that whoever humiliates or despises a human being will sooner or later suffer the same humiliations or scorn multiplied squared.

Over time I learned to build all your roads today, because tomorrow’s terrain is too uncertain to plan.

Over time I realized that rushing things or forcing them to happen will cause them to not be as you expected in the end.

Over time you realize that in reality the best thing was not the future, but the moment that you were living right at that moment.

Over time you will see that even if you are happy with those who are by your side, you will miss those who were with you yesterday and have now left.

  Over time I learned to try to forgive or ask for forgiveness, say you love, say you miss, say you need, say you want to be a friend…. before a grave. .., it no longer makes any sense …

But unfortunately … we only understand this over time.

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