I Love Those Moments Alone Where I Think About Everything And Nothing

I adore those moments alone where I think about everything and nothing

Throughout the day we always need a moment alone to reconnect with ourselves. The gaze is suspended on the horizon of the window and then, the brain can disconnect from stress, from external demands to allow itself to think about everything and nothing at the same time. Few things are so pleasant.

Frederick Law Olmsted, was one of the most famous landscape architects in history. Among its best-known urban parks is, for example , New York’s Central Park. Olmsted always defended the need for people to have daily contact with “green spaces”, where we can disconnect from civilization and enjoy a moment alone, entering again with our purest essences.

The need to promote these moments of connection with oneself is undoubtedly very beneficial for our mental health. Contact with nature, or with a simple open window that allows us to suspend our view beyond the line of everyday life, becomes a pleasant stimulus for our brain and an island of peace for our emotions. It is worth putting into practice.

We invite you to reflect on it.

man coming out of the water enjoying alone

When “our batteries” are discharged mentally and emotionally

We all need private corners. The teenager defends the privacy of his room like someone hiding in a bunker. Children look for magical corners in the stairwells like someone who opens a door to another world to be free. For their part, adults, as we grow up, we conquer public spaces, but somehow, we are losing “private ones”.

Schedules to meet, objectives to achieve, responsibilities to manage and agendas that we never stop programming. We spend the day “connected” to the outside and completely lose that essential link with ourselves. Little by little, and almost without realizing it, our emotional, mental and even “spiritual” piles are already at an agonizing level.

The psychologist and neuroscientist David Strayer points out that when this happens, it is our prefontral cortex (the command control of the brain) that is most affected. Nor is it a joke when we point out that “our batteries have lost energy” because in reality, a stressed brain shows in an electroencephalogram a clear alteration in theta waves, which are closely related to our ability to concentrate, relax and even with memory .

The need to find a moment alone every day

It would be worth it for at least one hour a day to return to those moments of our childhood where we were looking for a secret corner to isolate ourselves from the world and thus, allow ourselves to dream, let ourselves be carried away by everything and nothing at the same time, feeling as free as then .

We must also bear in mind that a prolonged state of stress or anxiety forces our brain to secrete into the bloodstream a chemical “cocktail” based on cortisol, norepinephrine and norepinephrine. We then live in a state of constant alert and threat. It is therefore essential to offer you calm and above all, security. We explain how to get it.

hand stroking wheat

How to get a proper connection with yourself

In the first place, we must be clear that to find that inner balance that allows us to put aside the stress and pressures of the environment, it is not enough to lock ourselves in a room or go to a park . Each of us must find his own mental palace, that is, that stage or personal state with which to feel alone and free.

  • . We release tensions and in turn, we promote a mental calm that is as wonderful as it is evocative. We are alone with our thoughts while the body feels alive and strong.
  • Being alone is not running away from the world, it is reencountering it. It is very possible that your closest people do not understand why you want to be alone for a moment every day. You do not need to give more explanations, with one enough. Because .
  • You are in a refuge where there is no room for fear. During that time alone, we will delimit an imaginary line where anxieties, fear or insecurity will not be able to cross. Everything must be calm, and for this, your face should never bend, look for the horizon, allow your gaze to melt with the calm of the sunset and warm yourself with its serene colors.
field of poppies

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