If Someone Gives You An Ellipsis, You Can Choose To Delete Two

If someone gives you an ellipsis, you can choose to delete two

Relationships are not postponed and neither are feelings. So if someone tries to shape our will we should not allow it. It is not healthy to beg for love since, as we all know, affection and appreciation has no value if it should be requested or expected. So if someone gives you an ellipsis, you can choose to erase two and leave the final period.

Why? If we give in to the idea that the selfishness of others turns into gratitude and affection, we waste time.

When we want, we want the day, not today yes and tomorrow no. However, many times we mortgage our emotional well-being in a kind of misfortune that makes us wait and wait where others left written an ellipsis.

Another different situation is one in which one or both members of a relationship have the need to take time to manage priorities and clarify feelings that are mixed or clouded by a specific conflict.


Choose to be a priority, choose to be happy

Assuming one is your priority is a matter of choice. When you see that your inner world becomes a battle between your own desires and the expectations of others, it makes us fall into a deep emotional hole.

We deserve to attend each other, listen to each other and be the protagonists of our film, a film in which there is a backdrop that must always remain: self-love. This is based on the consideration of oneself away from the subjugations of others.

We have to try to be safe from ourselves and not fool ourselves with false promises written in ellipsis. When the wishes and rights of oneself are at stake, not everything goes. That is why we have to put aside the false idea that in love and war anything can be valid. Feeling good is not someone else’s choice, it is our own.

Woman's eyes

The greatest adventure we can live is to love ourselves

That is why the process is articulated in different points that we must always take into account. Let’s look at some key points …

Surround ourselves with people who add, not subtract

The people who bring us light, who move us and consider us are the people who are worthwhile and joyful. Leaving aside those relationships that add us to suffering is a principle of emotional health that EVERYONE must be very clear about.

Authentic people are synonymous with authentic relationships

We tend to copy and paste in our relationships. We tend to settle for relationships that are monotonous out of fear of uncertainty and emotional emptiness. People don’t always fit in with who we are or need, just as we don’t always. Losing that fear and saying goodbye to the influence of fear helps us release our rights to seek meaningful relationships.

Woman with red lips

Cultivating our strengths helps us attend to our inner SELF

To be happy we must make an inner journey through which we work on our fundamental characteristics. If someone or something controls us and does not offer us support that allows growth, we are mortgaging our strengths and digging a deep hole to weaken us through our needs.

If we balance these points, the changes will come closer to us in a more natural and healthy way. That is why it is convenient that we make use of our own love at all times and from NOW, not only when it is convenient or we are trapped. Opening our eyes and asserting ourselves is a key point to achieve this.

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