If The Ego Does Not Leave You Alone, Send Him To Buy Humility

If the ego does not leave you alone, send him to buy humility

There is a type of ego that does not offer respite or rest: it is the one that suffers because the world is not up to it, the one that laments for not always being right. Now, we must bear in mind that there is no worse slavery than that of someone who lives attached to the ego, because being happy is from the soul, because whoever is capable of letting it go with humility, can connect to the world again from the heart.

We are without a doubt facing a psychological construct as complex as it is curious, which also includes certain doses of suffering. It is striking, for example, to see how the ego usually creates a mold for itself through which it compares itself with other people. If we are lucky enough to conform to that pattern, he will adore us, but if we excel, we will undoubtedly be the focus of his attacks and scorn.

We are sure that you know someone with this type of behavior, and even why not, you may be aware that at some point you also act with certain doses of ego. As a Chinese proverb says “it is more difficult to change the course of a river than the character of a person”.

However, it is never too much to reflect on the subject, at least to take it into account and meditate on it.

himbre with white cloud on his head

The ego and the egotistical mind

Ekhart Tolle is a writer known for bringing the “here and now” trend to the general public. In his works he identifies the most common sources of internal suffering that prevent us from connecting with our environment to be happy. In books like “A New World: Now” he talks about a term as interesting as it is useful: the egotistical mind. In addition, he does not hesitate to affirm one of the most complex sources of personal suffering.

For Tolle, people characterized by an egotistical mind “are possessed by their own mind. There is a kind of obsession with one’s own thoughts, judgments, values ​​and emotions, to the point of living completely “attached” to one’s own history. There is nothing beyond this exclusive and personal horizon.

The egotistical mind is persistent and repetitive, thus creating a very destructive type of psychic energy. We cannot forget that this type of personality seeks in turn to differentiate itself from other egos and surpass them, gradually falling into a type of struggle that is as useless as it is frustrating, since the “combat” between egos only brings psychological suffering as a consequence.

Alice surrounded by playing cards

Keys to detach ourselves from the ego

One of the best known phrases of the controversial Donald Trump is that of “show me a person without ego and I will show you a nobody.” It is clear that the ego to which the next candidate for the presidency of the United States was referring is not exactly the ego to which we allude in this article. A) Yes:

  • In order to defend ourselves from those dysfunctional egos that are in our environment, it is best not to react to these behaviors. To ignore is to respond wisely and, furthermore, it is also to frustrate whoever wants to be the center of attention.
  • One technique to “turn off the ego” is to find inner calm, turn off mental noise. The ego is always looking for something: to add a little more of this or that to complete itself, to challenge itself with the one from beyond to be right.
  • The source of suffering associated with the ego will end when we focus on the present moment to seek a more noble, humble end. As they say, “no one learns the meaning of life until they submit their egos to serve their brothers.”

When we empathically connect with others and understand that “being is not possessing” or that “the more I have, I am not necessarily more”, we immediately free ourselves from endless burdens. It is then that the ego mind is turned off to ignite our precious emotional mind.


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