If They Treat You Badly, Remember That There Is Something Wrong With Them, Not You

If they treat you badly, remember that there is something wrong with them, not you.

If you are ever treated badly, remember that the responsibility is not yours. Remember that they are the ones who are making mistakes, the ones who have “something wrong” inside them. It is not you. It is not your fault, nor is it your responsibility.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, justifies an abuse, a bad gesture, a bad word. However, sadly, it often happens to us that we validate the bad words and bad gestures of others.

When we pay attention to these behaviors, people who treat us badly can even take pride in their way of proceeding, believing that they are valid and that their bad words are a reflection of reality. However, nothing could be further from the truth, as his actions reflect his darkness and his internal conflicts.

Woman in bed with emotional intoxication

Why is it best to ignore people who treat us badly?

Hurtful words, judgments, unsolicited opinions and criticisms leveled directly at us should not be given any credit. Because it does not offend those who want, it offends those who can and if we serve those people who treat us badly, we are giving them the opportunity to hurt us, both at that time and later.

However, that discomfort that they generate is not in vain for us, since a meaning can be extracted from everything. And it is that that that some people come into our lives to teach us not to be like them is a great truth.

Because mutual respect and good treatment are essential values ​​to go through life in a healthy way, to feel full and at peace with oneself. In their very actions, people who treat others badly have their punishment. 

Woman on a swing with childhood emotional wounds

Giving away the absence and ignoring, the best way to safeguard our self-love

The best way to protect ourselves from people who treat us badly is not to admit it. Emotional ties are valuable and we must take care of ourselves, that is why it is important to ignore and stay away from people who damage our self-esteem.

If they sow doubts, discomfort and reluctance, it is not advisable for us to remain close, because they will poison us. People who intend to harm us do not see beyond their interests at those times, so they will continue to do so if we are not able to stop them.

Woman with pigeons leaving an emotional footprint

Betrayal, coldness and arrogance are sharp daggers that, when stabbed, hurt intensely. 

By recognizing that there are people who treat us badly, we can analyze the situation and anticipate their reactions and intentions. Therefore, our shield is made up of the ability to ignore and anticipate those bad words or bad actions. 

This grieving process, originated in, will help us rethink our priorities and seek new nuclei in which to place our trust. A task that is not easy, but that, without a doubt, is necessary.

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