Intimate Communication, The Key To Deep Relationships

Intimate communication is a skill that we can all develop to nurture our relationships. In this article we will talk about what it consists of, what its advantages are and what we can do to start it.
Intimate communication, the key to deep relationships

Human beings are constantly sending each other messages, although sometimes we are not aware of it. Now, if we want to establish deep relationships, intimate communication is essential.

Through this article we tell you what this type of communication is about, and why we can achieve powerful connections through it. In addition, we will see in which relationships there can be intimate communication. Let’s go deeper!

Girlfriends hugging

Intimate communication what is it?

When we speak of intimate communication, we refer to that information that we transmit assertively and that allows us to share very personal information with others, with which we can be very vulnerable.

In many cases, in addition, intimate communication brings with it effective communication, which positively affects the areas in which we operate. Some skills that people who communicate intimately have are:

  • Listens. It is about going beyond hearing, that is, doing it, but with awareness.
  • Express. What we feel, taking into account the time, the place and the person.
  • Self-knowledge. Knowing each other will help us to know what we want and where we are going, which will influence how we are with others.
  • Empathy. If we do not put ourselves in the shoes of the other, we will not create a bond of trust that allows the relationship to be deep.
  • Recognize our weaknesses and strengths. To know what resources we have and what we can enhance. Doing so will make the challenge of managing our communication more and more assertive.

Intimate communication, the basis for building healthy relationships

Intimate communication is one of the ingredients that can help us establish healthy relationships. It is because, by being assertive, we can in addition to transmit the message that we really intend effectively, protect our limits to prevent someone from harming us.

On the other hand, when we connect beyond the superficial, we strengthen ties. If we do it by following the best for our well-being, through effective communication, the quality of our relationships will improve. On the other hand, with her it will be easier to be alert and not allow toxic relationships.

So, intimate communication is not only about connecting with another person, but also about doing it in confidence. Thus, we add steps for our well-being.

Girls talking in the field

In what relationships can we apply intimate communication?

We could enhance intimate communication with our family. Sometimes we might think that we are born with it, but closeness is not synonymous with this type of communication. Rather, we must build this base of exchanges step by step, which could result in our bond gaining in quality. The other could contribute much more to us, we could contribute much more to the other.

Also, intimate communication can be applied to couple relationships. Open up emotionally and do it with confidence. With the faith that we will be heard and, to a large extent, understood.

In addition, the patterns and styles of communication in pairs are already being studied; For example, Rozzana Sánchez Aragón and Rolando Días Loving evaluate in their article published in the journal Anales de psicología, the role of communication in terms of the well-being of the couple.

Another relationship that we can strengthen with this type of communication is friendship. Sometimes it is thought that there are only toxic bonds at the couple level, but they also exist in this context. Directing ourselves to deep communication in our friendships will help us to strengthen the bond.

Now, there is not only intimate communication in this type of relationship. Also, there are other areas in which they develop; for example, labor. In fact, Enrique Sueiro highlights in his article published in El País, that 60% of business problems are the product of poor communication and that this would change if we go in search of a more authentic transmission of the message, that is, with communication intimate.

In short, intimate communication gives us the opportunity to direct our relationships towards well-being;  It does not matter what environment it is, but the assertiveness, honesty and care with which we interact. Wonderful, right?

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