It’s Never Too Late To Say So What?

It's never too late to say so what?

Things don’t always go well given, sometimes this is the general trend. Is your relationship not going well? Do you get on badly with your parents? Do you feel that nobody loves or respects you? Your job sucks? Did you have a difficult childhood or adolescence? If these and other things bring you down, it is because you let yourself. But it is never too late to take charge again.

The way you face your problems and focus on what comes next is what makes the difference. It does not matter how long your ghosts have haunted you, how long you have been trying to overcome your fears or what you think they are trying to impose on you from the outside. It’s never too late to say so what?

Understand to accept, accept to recover

Accepting the situation is the only thing that will allow you to recover. Only when you accept that things are as they are and not as you would like them to be, do you get the weapons you need to face your reality. Play the game with the cards that you play, you cannot choose them.

underwater woman with a flower crown

But you have to try to understand the rules of the game, the strategy of the other players and the obstacles that arise in order to play your cards. It does not matter if there is a logical explanation, it is not about rationalizing the situation. It doesn’t matter that you don’t share it, that you don’t agree or that you don’t understand why. What matters is that accepting what you have to do is how you can recover, because you know where you come from. 

Drop ballast

We cannot change what we have lived through and what has happened to us, but we can change the way we face what is coming, even the way we face ourselves. So the first thing we must do is forgive ourselves. You have to release ballast to move forward.

Are things not how you would like them to be? And that? If you can’t do anything, why do you let it suck you in? Why do you keep letting it condition you? It is never too late to change the way you see things.

It is never too late to start over, to fall in love again, to do what you dream of, to be what you want to be, to discover yourself inside … It is never too late to let go, no matter how much you have accumulated in your emotional backpack or because of very attached that you are to her.

If it has to be like this, let it be

Striving to change things is not always a possible option. Really, the only one you can change is yourself. Only by changing yourself is there the possibility that you will inspire someone to change, but as long as that change is not voluntary there is nothing to do.

young man with maragaritas on his face and hair

Other times the circumstances are what they are and nothing can be done to avoid or change them. So you have to adapt, wait and not worry so much about what you can’t do. There are many other things to focus on in the meantime, for example preparing for what is to come next.

Walk forward without carrying what you have to leave behind

If you do not stop looking at the past, you will miss many of the good things that await you along the way. Things don’t have to stay the same. You don’t have to forget them either, you just have to let them pass, to give them their place in your story without dragging them with every step you take.

Maybe for the rest of the world your mistakes and your story are unforgivable and insurmountable, maybe around you you do not get the love you want. But  the only thing that really matters is that you forgive yourself, that you love yourself. 

Don’t do drama. Don’t you have the life you expected? And that? The one you have is full of opportunities, but you will only see them when you stop looking the wrong way. 


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