Learn To Develop Emotional Connections From Sensitivity

Learn to develop emotional connections from sensitivity

Emotional connections are a reality. Establishing an emotional connection with another person allows us, from the sensitivity, to accompany in solitude and pain, but in moments of illness it can be beneficial to the point of becoming therapy.

Nobody knows how deep our thoughts move. Intelligent people tend to perceive the more rational side of things and thoughts, but people are sensitive, they not only perceive the rational but they can develop an emotional bond more easily.

A real case where sensitivity was the key to treatment

appointment with the psychologist

Sensitivity can be very important when dealing with people who are going through a very delicate situation. In fact, it can make the difference between how successful you can overcome that situation or not.

A professional psychologist had a young patient, 13 years old, who had not spoken a word for 15 months. His father had died of one after suffering a long illness as a child, and his mother had died in an accident just two years ago. His paternal grandparents had chosen not to maintain contact with him of their own free will. And his only maternal grandfather did not want to accommodate him in his home.

When the young man came for consultation, they only spent hours observing the walls without emitting any sound. Restless, nervous, and worried, he repeated this behavior session after session. His pain and anguish were so immense that he could not articulate words and was unable to express any emotion, no matter how insignificant.

depressed man

The professional who attended him decided to bet on his healing in a particular way, approaching him in silence, and accompanying him in his pain. Each end of the session, the psychologist told him: “if you feel like it, and you want, come back next week. I know it hurts ”. The young man’s response was always the same. ANY.

A long process, but with positive results

Months passed and the psychologist began to play chess with him. The seasons went by, while the nervousness and anxiety diminished, until one day the therapist delayed executing his movement, and the young man looked at him saying: “it’s your turn”.

From that week on, he began to talk progressively, then he signed up for a basketball team, he got involved with his high school classmates. In short: he came out of his isolation to live his life.

This professional may never know where the mystery of the healing process lies. But he learned to connect emotionally with the young man from his sensitivity. He understood that time makes possible issues that seem terribly insurmountable. He learned to be sensitive beyond words, to be present with just a look, a caress, a smile, a warm gesture.

woman supporting her friend

In short: he learned to listen to his heart. Because, sometimes, we do not give the value it deserves to that sensitivity that can connect us with others, empathize with them, understand them and let them know that we are there, that they can count on us so that when they are ready they will come out of pain in which they were submerged.

Now that you have discovered the great power that sensitivity has, you know how to learn to develop emotional connections with others from there. The bonds with other people will be much stronger and the possibilities of helping and allowing others to overcome their worst moments will increase.


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