May Life Forgive Me The Times I Did Not Live It

May life forgive me the times that I did not live it

May life forgive me the times that I did not live it. May he forgive me the moments when fear took hold of me. May he forgive me for those steps that I did not follow because I did not deviate from my path, flat and safe, because I did not deviate from what I already knew, for fear of suffering.

May life forgive me for everything I have stopped doing. For all that I have lost by being unknown and feared by myself, by stepping out of my comfort zone. May life forgive me for stopping being myself looking for my path, instead of stepping on the one that others had already traveled.

May life forgive me for continually looking at the past and remembering all that I had done wrong. And may he also forgive me when I looked to the future wondering about everything that with other decisions in life I could have been.

Woman walking barefoot

May life give me the strength to learn

Now that I know what I write, may life give me strength to learn from these mistakes that I have made. I do not intend to chain myself to the memories of what I have already experienced. I do not pretend to suffer without meaning, and although I know that life is far from being a bed of roses, what I pretend is not to always make the same mistake again.

I pretend to laugh until tears come over me or my face hurts from spending so much time like this. I intend to fight for my dreams until I own them. I intend to do things my way and not worry that what I do in the future will hurt; you never know, I am not a fortune-teller, just as it will never hurt what I live now.

I am simply going to walk steadily looking for what makes me feel good. That which deserves my time, my effort and my smile, that which makes me happy regardless of how, where and with whom.

I’m going to look ahead and shine with my own light. I’m not going to let the doubts of others affect me and get stuck in my mind as if they were my own. I am not going to tremble with fear at what I do not yet know, I am simply going to jump forward and learn little by little.

Woman smiling

May life forgive me and give me time to do everything I want

But above all, may life forgive me for the time I have wasted staring at my navel, wondering if everything could change, but doing nothing to achieve my goal. And for that, I ask life to forgive me and give me time so that now that I understand all this, I can do everything I want and deserve.

Now I have understood that only if I act and decide, things change in any way. It can be good or bad, but staying where you are for fear of the unknown does not help you get the rewards that you think you have deserved in your life.

The wiser is not the one who suffers the least, but the one who does not give up despite what has been suffered. The one who moves looking for a new meaning to his life. The one who, although he is afraid, does not hesitate to conquer it to achieve a new life. The one who knows that if you don’t move you expire, and if you expire you will regret not having moved.

Be brave and live. Be brave and jump, run, fight, laugh and cry. Be brave before the world because that is what you were born for. Be you and don’t have to ask your life for forgiveness. Because what you have not lived does not come back to you day after day. We only have one life Make it count! and choose how to live it.

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