Never Stop Chasing Your Dreams

Pursuing your dreams, your ideals, in short, your values, allows you to follow a defined course in life: Your own course
Never stop chasing your dreams

Every person in this world has a dream that they would love to fulfill. However, and unfortunately, many of them are “unable” to comply due to all kinds of factors. They are afraid, they feel a total mistrust of themselves, society imposes on them that their dream is too “utopian”. And it is easy to find all kinds of excuses that make you unable to pursue your dreams.

Although if you stop to think … Is it really to meet those goals in our lives that a priori we see as unattainable? It is obvious that these cannot be achieved from one day to the next, but if we really propose it, many times we would be surprised at what we are capable of achieving.

And you, do you feel that your life is empty and that you are not capable of accomplishing anything that you propose? Well, through the following lines we will give you some tips so that you can see for yourself that dreams are to be fulfilled  and that they can come true.

You are the only one who sets your own limits

As a child, it is normal that to educate us they tell us what is right and what is wrong, in order to mature and always have our feet on the ground. But once you reach maturity, you shouldn’t let anyone or anything tell you what to do. Surely some of you have thought “Well, I would love to go around the world as soon as I had money”   and someone you know has answered “But for what? I see that as an unnecessary waste ”.

Man working to achieve his dreams

But it is that it does not matter what others think. If you truly believe that what you propose is feasible to do and that it does not harm third parties … Then go ahead! In this way, later you will have much more willingness and initiative for later. And if it seems crazy to your acquaintances, remember that it is impossible to please everyone.

Your dreams don’t have to be the same as everyone else’s. What’s more, many may find it crazy that you want to be an astronaut, however there are astronauts! It depends on what values ​​exist in your family and what type of work is valued, you may meet people who do not support you. However, it is your life, it is your dream, what are you waiting for to pursue your dreams?

If you want to chase your dreams, fear is your worst enemy

Okay, they have already decided to “get down to business” to achieve whatever goal they have just set. However, when push comes to shove, they are terrified of all kinds of questions and doubts. “Am I doing the right thing?”, “What if I’m wrong?” , “Maybe I should think more about it …”.

Woman chasing her dreams

It’s partly okay to have your feet on the ground to be realistic, but once we make a decision, it’s best not to back down. And it is that otherwise, we will return to the initial starting point that will finally lead us to not do anything of what we had proposed.

So when the time comes to act, to chase your dreams, and fear is “knocking on your door”, Take a deep breath and think “I am capable of this and much more” and directly, ACT! In this way, it will be much easier for you to take action, pursue your dreams and achieve what you have dreamed of so much.

But what if I don’t fulfill my dreams?

Any! No problem. Reaching a goal provides great personal satisfaction. However, not reaching it should not discourage us. On the one hand, because the simple fact of trying already says a lot about us. And on the other, because we have the opportunity to analyze what has happened and approach the goal in another way. Still, we will not always achieve our dreams and it is important to know. As sung by the Rolling Stones , “You can not always get what you want  ( You can not always get what you want ).”

The fact of having our feet on the ground will always help us not to suffer if we do not achieve our dreams. When we climb a mountain, we must not forget to enjoy the path before reaching the top. The path cures us, teaches us, makes us stronger and, in general, brings us closer to what we dream of. Putting in all our energy, motivation and enthusiasm will help us move towards our desired goal.

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