Teachings For Adults In 8 Shorts For Children

Teachings for adults in 8 shorts for children

There is an unknown world related to the seventh art beyond films and cinemas, that of short films. The so-called “little brothers” that we sometimes see by chance but that sometimes are hidden treasures.

In a few minutes, sometimes without dialogue, the short films  tell stories drawn with strokes of tenderness, fun and creativity that convey more than colors, movement and laughter. Teachings for children that take us by the hand to the elderly.

Delving into them without the label of “children’s stories” will lead us to enjoy some gems in which, beyond children’s morals, in the short films  we find adult reflections and vital teachings of what we sometimes lose in the routine.

Appearance traps

The peeled sheep

The obvious message on this occasion is that of the excessive importance we give to appearances and image. It is something that we see repeated in many stories of the seventh art. In the end, the important thing is inside.

However, we can go a little further and look at how he shows us the ability to overcome complicated situations in life and emerge stronger from them. This is called resilience. It is not always developed but it can be cultivated.

The smoke seller

This short presents the story of a magician capable of making the dreams of the inhabitants of a small town come true. The reflections that we can make later are based on three main questions:

  • How many times do we dream of what is more appearance than reality?
  • Do we give more importance to the desired moment than to the tangible and mundane?
  • And above all, do we detect smoke sellers?

Friendship, love and tolerance

Partly cloudy

In this little gem from Pixar we find some of the keys to friendship and family relationships, as well as courage, bravery and optimism:

  • Tolerance between two people of different origins
  • Patience in moments where despair can take over
  • Adaptation to difficult situations with a courageous and creative attitude
  • Perseverance as a way to face challenges

Day and night

Night and day are the protagonists of this short. In it we see what gives life to each character, what is in light and darkness. Many times we do not give opportunity to people who we believe have nothing to do with us. Actually, we lose out. It is not just about finding common ground but about valuing, enjoying and enriching ourselves from the differences.

Lucky you

How many times are we immersed in moments when everything goes wrong or when what we want never arrives? It seems that there are always two paths more or less traced, two attitudes to the same situation of uncertainty.  On the one hand we have the fearful, doubtful and incredulous, and on the other the proactive, convinced and enthusiastic. In this short we see two characters representing those paths that inevitably meet.

Two attitudes that need each other to get ahead looking for a common solution in a tender and complicit way. Seeking balance in acceptance and cooperation can bring understanding, and in the case of the short … even love.

Respect and cooperation

The lost thing

Shorts can also be based on books or graphic novels. This is the case of “The lost thing”. The plot is simple, a young man finds a strange object on a beach and decides to take care of it while he finds a place to put it.

We see a gray society, concerned for itself in a squared world. The “thing” is actually a sum of things that we know, but that put together seem to lack identity. The young man, who shows interest in the world around him and what is different, approaches without fear, and does not hesitate to help.

We find a  reflection on the search for distinction from others without fear of being judged in a mistrustful society or one that ignores what is different. Accept and reach out, can be one of the interpretations of this wonderful story.

The orchestra man

How many times does the ego push us to fight battles instead of joining forces? Two talented musicians fight for the favor of a reward in this short where extreme competitiveness leaves us with two reflections:

  • We can become so competitive and proud that we forget all the good we could do by cooperating with the one in front of us.
  • We may forget the disappointment or harm we can do to third parties while engaging in individual wars.

Swing of change

A barber shop, a trumpet and the swing, star in a story of racism and humanity. There are plenty of words for the explosion of values ​​related to tolerance and equality that we can find in these six minutes of animation.

You can re-interpret each of the shorts and reflect on the messages they want to communicate, that is their greatness. The authors show it and the beliefs, schemes and values ​​of each individual will do the rest.

The truth is that in one way or another, children’s animation removes adults. Either because we are sensitive to stories, or because by explaining abstract concepts to the little ones we are forced to recover discourses of tolerance, respect, cooperation and equality. And to you, what have these shorts suggested to you?

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