The 11 Best Phrases Of Robin Sharma To Improve Your Life

The 11 best Robin Sharma phrases to improve your life

Robin Sharma’s phrases tell us about leadership, conscience, personal growth and success. They are a gift for anyone who wants to continue advancing in their journey through life, for anyone who wants to fight to achieve their dreams.

Robin Sharma is a writer and a recognized expert in the fields of leadership and personal growth.  He graduated in law from the University of Dalhouise and served as a professor of this discipline for a few years until he became a lecturer. Currently, he travels to different countries of the world promoting personal development through the message “Lead without title”, one of his most successful and well-known phrases.

Sharma has worked for Microsoft, Nike, IBM and institutions such as NASA, Yale University or the Harvard Business School. Those who know him describe him as a mass inspirer, an expert in extracting the potential that we carry within and turning problems into opportunities.

His work The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has been published  in more than 50 countries and 70 different languages. It is a spiritual fable that teaches a new way of approaching personal, family and work life. Through it, Sharma shows the importance of a life journey with passion, inner harmony and clear direction.

This is a selection of the best Robin Sharma quotes. We hope you enjoy them and that of course they inspire you.

Image by Robin Sharma

The futility of intention without action

Knowing what to do, knowing what the next steps to take, and even having an elaborate strategy in mind on how to act, has no value if it is not executed. What use is practice without theory to grow in our day to day?

It is not enough to know how emotions are regulated to manage ourselves in the middle of a conflict, nor to know that we have to exercise to lead a healthy life if we finally do not get to it, not even in many cases it is enough to know the theory to function. well at work level. Theory and practice have to go hand in hand if we want to advance. 

Action as a priority

An act will always have more value than words, more value than any intention because it carries not only the gesture itself, but also the gift of time from the other person. In action the thought materializes, it becomes reality, and the true interest in the other or in oneself is demonstrated. 

It is useless to have the intention of studying, if we do not get to it later, nor do not leave things to the last minute, if we finally choose procrastination as a companion in our routine … Acting is the verb that pushes us to move forward, to walk .

Daily consistency as a driver of results

As we can see, Robin Sharma’s phrases are a call to the culture of perseverance and effort, a praise for persistence as a vehicle until our dreams. For this expert in personal growth, the important thing is not short-term objectives, immediate satisfactions or the easy way, but the growth of daily seeds, those that we are cultivating and watering with our sacrifice, work and commitment.

Thus, good results are not the result of chance, luck or chance, but of the confluence of everything that each of us invests in the achievement of our goals and objectives.

Woman on top of a mountain

The importance of investing in yourself

Being our plan A, that should be our priority. Choosing us before anything else, ensuring our well-being and of course, who we want to be and what we want to achieve. That is the philosophy that we can extract from Robin Sharma’s phrases.

And for this,  there is nothing better than taking care of ourselves, learning to manage the difficult emotions that we may experience and checking ourselves from time to time to know how we are and where we are going.

The teacher as past

The past is a great teacher, an irreplaceable mentor. Thanks to him we can learn to do things differently, but also to stay with those that help us to reach our full potential.

Now, settling in his memories to comfort us is not the best option. It must be used to boost ourselves, to continue growing.

Excuses as allies of fear

An excuse is nothing more than a fear in disguise. The perfect obstacle to limit us when fear threatens to come after us. Precisely, the more excuses we make, the more we should reflect on what we fear in that particular situation.

Let us face excuses with courage, with that strength that grows from within us and that helps us to come face to face with fear.

Failure is not trying

To fail is to give everything for lost, without first having explored the possible alternatives. It is not being brave, but cowards, it is letting yourself be intimidated by uncertainty and fear of the unknown, abandoning hope and reducing all possibilities to one: defeat.

Contrary to what we may think, failure is doing nothing and surrendering to immobility. Hence, those who try despite their fears are considered brave, those who fight motivated by the impulse to move forward.

Man looking at a wave in the sea

The power of the conversations we fear

This is one of Robin Sharma’s phrases that we must have the most if we want to knock down obstacles and especially if we want to go through self-deception. What are we afraid to talk about? What topics are we most afraid of? Why do we prefer silence before any word?

There are themes that shape our vulnerabilities, that bring out our weak points and that of course, terrify us, not so much because of the content but because of the consequences that derive from them. But in turn, they have a lot of information about us, which if we learn to decipher it will facilitate our personal growth.

The duality of mind: mistress and slave

We are masters and slaves of our thoughts. We cannot doubt it. A belief can give us wings to fly or lock us up to limit us. The key is to know.

Most of the time it is our expectations that we give up for lost. Those “what ifs …”, “buts” and “maybe” who like to play with us so much … Hence, being aware of it can be our rescue, the option to get out of the spider web that our mind is capable of. to knit.

Uncertainty as an opportunity

Uncertainty is that great unknown. The enemy of many and the ally of others, but certainly the one that hides the wonderful adventure of not knowing what you are going to find when you cross their door. Now, sometimes leaving the routine, the daily stagnation becomes a springboard towards our dreams. 

Woman enjoying her happiness on a bicycle

As we can see, Robin Sharma’s phrases are a valuable gift. They are full of lucidity, but also of that bittersweet point capable of making us uncomfortable, of making us react in one direction or another. They are reflections that leave a trace and that somehow sneak into us to stir us up and to remind us of the power of our mental vision.

Finally, we leave you with one of Robin Sharma’s phrases that is worth reading every day of our lives for the great value it contains:

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