The 5 Best Personal Development Books

The 5 best personal development books

In 1936,  Dale Carnegie wrote the book How to Win Friends and Influence People,  creating the foundation for personal development books, an essential literary subgenre in the current 21st century.

In his case, Carnegie’s book  became a bestseller.  And the number of people who have this reference work in the field of social skills applied to the company continues to increase.

It is true that in most cases personal development books do not constitute high literature nor do they share scientific rigor with us. But these books provide a series of experiences and teachings that are useful in our personal growth. Therefore, I would love to share with you some of the most influential titles in this genre.

Spiral staircase symbolizing personal development

Toxic People ,  by Bernardo Stamateas

One of the great editorial successes of recent years. Its great demand comes from the notorious increase in people who, being aware of ourselves, perceive that they bother us or bother us in our day to day life, preventing us from being happy.

Stamateas shares in his book the fact that we live surrounded by people who, even if they don’t mean to, make our lives worse and difficult. These are called  “toxic people . His day-to-day life is based on envy, irascibility, arrogance and superiority.

Toxic People teach us how to relate to toxic people by developing strategies.  It also shows how we can build healthy relationships that allow us, at least ourselves, to live fully.

Back home. Recovery and Vindication of the Inner Child , by John Bradshaw

Bradshaw managed to become known thanks to his motivational program broadcast on American public television. In it,  Bradshaw used his own story (an alcoholic father, a highly dysfunctional family) as an example to teach the public how they can be able to overcome their addictions and whatever problems they want.

In his book he analyzes how we can resume the difficult development of our childhood.  It shows how to heal all those emotional wounds that we contain and are part of us, in order to recover the child that we all carry inside.

Caged heart breaking free as a symbol of personal development


Learning from the best , from Francisco Alcaide, 

It is a great compilation of ideas, thoughts and philosophies of the fifty characters that have most influenced the 20th and early 21st centuries, which we can use to inspire ourselves.

All of them gurus within each of the different areas : business, people management, personal development, humanism, philosophy, writing, education, the world of cinema … Also authentic spiritual teachers who provide great value and philosophy of existence with his vision of life.

A book where intelligence, experience, action and extraordinary wisdom come together. I would love to share with you the interview where the author himself tells us the best of this brilliant successful book:

Find your element. The Path to Discover Your Passion and Transform Your Life , by Ken Robinson and Lou Aronica

Ken Robinson, doctor of education from the University of London, helps us find that  “element”  that we are really passionate about, that will make us happy and in which we are more inclined to succeed and achieve personal success.

A whole personal development book that tells us why our creativity is so important to move forward and why it is essential to bet on this ability to face the various challenges that life offers us.

Your Wrong Zones , by Wayne W. Dyer, A Manual for Personal Development

In this book,  Dyer proposes “a simple, easy and pleasant procedure to achieve happiness, based on being responsible and committing to oneself”.  A book that makes us receive the happiness that the author of the book had when writing it and sharing it with all of us. Something that is not yet available to everyone.

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