The 6 Best Films For Personal Growth

Top 6 Personal Growth Movies

The cinema is an excellent medium to tell all kinds of stories and to spread messages among the general public. Among them, we can find personal growth movies. These are very valid examples  to know how to enjoy better personal development, both personally and professionally.

In addition, it never hurts to enjoy a good cinema session with our friends or family, discovering interesting films and sharing common tastes. Therefore, we dedicate the following lines to draw up a list of the best personal growth films.

1. In search of happiness

This excellent personal growth film stars Will Smith, who, along with his own son, tells the story of Chris Gardner. This role earned Will Smith the Oscar for Best Leading Actor. In the story, Chris Gardner is a divorced father trying to make a better life for his son and himself.

Both of you will face all kinds of obstacles to achieve happiness and fulfill your dream of a peaceful and better life. With this story we can see how a man faces his day to day, continuously fighting for success. By the way, the movie is based on real events.

2. Invictus

This film, also based on real events, is set in the moments when Nelson Mandela was released from prison and reached the presidency of South Africa. After this, the newly appointed president motivates the national rugby team to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup, with the aim of uniting the country’s black and white population, thus avoiding a serious social conflict that could lead to a civil war.

This title, starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon, tells a story as hard as it is precious about overcoming a team from a troubled country and their struggle to achieve victory in the championship. Also, if you are not a rugby fan and you do not know the result of that World Cup, it would be best if you watch the movie before investigating about the tournament.

3. The indomitable Will Hunting

This film, also starring Matt Damon, is also an excellent example of personal growth movies. The story tells about Will Hunting, a rebellious and troubled young man, but with an immense talent for mathematics and physics. Despite his teachers’ efforts to motivate him for a better life, Will’s character will be his biggest obstacle.

4. Life is beautiful

This beautiful film focuses on the troubled environment of World War II. A father and son, belonging to a Jewish family, are sent to a concentration camp. There, the father tries every day to maintain a positive character and to convince his little son that everything around them is not real, and that they are really participating in a contest.

Roberto Benigni, the leading actor and director of the film, tries to protect his son from the horrors and barbarities of Nazi Germany. In addition, the fact that the story is based on the story of Benigni’s own father, who spent three years in a concentration camp , is noteworthy .

5. Forrest Gump

Another of the most famous personal growth films is Forrest Gump, the story about a man with a slight mental retardation, but with a devastating character and an enviable vitality.

The film covers the history of the protagonist, from child to adult, going through a very significant moment in the history of the United States, such as the Vietnam War, and mixing the protagonist with some historical characters in a very curious way and with touches of humor. Famous.

6. A wonderful mind

The last personal growth film we will discuss will be the story of John Forbes Nash, an eccentric mathematical genius who suffers from schizophrenia. The protagonist faces this horrible disease while developing a mathematical theory that revolutionized many fields of science.

What is truly magical about the film is the vision it offers of Nash’s disease, how important the patient’s will is to face their own symptoms, the step forward that learning to live with hallucinations entails. And for this Nash has to learn to blindly trust the people he loves: he understands that if they see or hear the same thing, what happens is real.

Thus, Nash, played by Russel Crowe, faces his demons with the help of his friends and his wife, until he won the Nobel Prize in 1994. We are talking about a character who was much more than a brilliant mathematician since his biography is a whole story of overcoming.

Any of the listed tapes, in addition to making us have a good time, serve to make us reflect on our nature : on our weaknesses, but also on our strengths and possibilities.

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