The 6 Strengths Of Character According To Positive Psychology

Goodness, sense of justice, persistence … There are a number of psychological forces capable of influencing beyond our well-being. That inner potential could help us create more respectful and happy societies. Next, we find out what those dimensions are.
The 6 strengths of character according to positive psychology

The 6 strengths of character, defined by psychologists Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman in 2004, remain a reference. It was these two exponents of positive psychology who, after a detailed and long investigation, established what are considered to be those virtues or potentials that everyone can develop to invest in well-being, wisdom and happiness.

There are many who, in a way, believe that the Strengths and Virtues Manual is  the very antithesis of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) itself. That is, while the latter focuses on evaluating, classifying and studying mental illnesses, Seligman and Peterson’s book seeks to detect the strengths of the human being, their positive potential and their transformative virtues.

It’s another approach, no doubt. One oriented rather to inspire us, to generate in us an internal revolution where we understand that, despite the difficulties that surround us, in each one of us there are resources that we can activate. Thus, in each person some strengths will stand out to a greater degree over others. However, it should also be noted that it is possible to be much more competent in each of them.

After all, psychological strengths do not come from the factory; Many of them we acquire with our education, imitating other people who inspire us, and even, why not, being aware that certain dimensions improve our life and that of others. Let’s see what they consist of.

Woman with a light in her mind symbolizing the neuroscience of emotional pain

What are the 6 strengths of character?

What was special about Albert Einstein, was intelligence his psychological strength and virtue? And what about Martin Luther King, Marie Curie or Gandhi? What kinds of potentials defined these personalities in our history? These same questions are the ones that Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson posed when they began their exhaustive investigation to determine the psychological strengths of the human being.

Thus, for Harvard University psychologists and scientists like Howard Gardner, this work is one of the most interesting initiatives of the 21st century. It is because for once, it focuses on “the most positive of human beings.” In these 6 strengths of character are concentrated our goodness, our ability to give love, to apply justice, hope … All of them are the components of happiness for an ideal society, for a world where mental well-being would prevail to a greater degree.

On the other hand, one aspect should be highlighted: this topic is not new. Both Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas already defined in their day what they considered the dimensions for the good or the virtues of the human being. Seligman and Peterson also drew on these theories to develop a list of dimensions that can be measured to tell us what our character strengths are. They are as follows :

1. Wisdom and knowledge

One may have an above-average intellectual potential, however, IQ does not make us wise. In fact, one of the characteristics that precisely defined Albert Einstein was this very strength: that of wisdom. This concept integrates dimensions such as creativity, indefatigable curiosity, the desire to learn, to always keep an open mind.

2. Courage

What is courage? This is one of those 6 essential character strengths to navigate the first leg. It gives us something more than courage, it is motivation to face daily adversity, it is persistence, integrity, enthusiasm and vitality to overcome ourselves.

man on mountain representing the 6 strengths of character

3. Humanity

Who owns humanity, creates bridges between people and brings hope to the world. This dimension symbolizes who cares about others actively and not only through the banner.

Define who likes to connect with those close to him in an authentic way; to those who seek to be interested in their needs, in their personal reality. He is the one who knows how to give affection, who listens, is kind and transforms our reality in a silent but persistent way.

4. Justice

No advanced and wise society could exist without a sense of justice. This is another one of those 6 character strengths that we should all develop with integrity. Through it, we assume our social responsibility to ourselves and others, we defend what is noble, what is appropriate for the whole through loyalty and respect.

5. Temperance

Temperance is one of those words that we don’t use too often. It seems somewhat chivalrous to us, as if brought from another era. However, this term is still just as useful and necessary.

It defines who does not fall into excesses, the people who know how to regulate themselves and maintain self-control. It is also applying calm in times of storm, knowing how to use forgiveness and not hatred, pity and not anger.

6. Transcendence

This last of the 6 strengths of character enunciated by Seligman and Peterson could not be more inspiring. Being transcendent or applying transcendence means having a purpose and wanting to aspire to excellence.

It is, in a way, that summit that Abraham Maslow spoke about with his theory of human needs, that self-realization where we appreciate and are interested in aspects such as hope, beauty, coherence, spirituality …

To transcend is to go beyond the visible, to embrace the immensity of knowledge and feel free as well as responsible.

Man on the mountain thinking: can I do it?

To conclude, it is quite possible that if we applied the tests developed by Seligman and Peterson to assess our character strengths, we would score high on more than one of these dimensions. However, the ideal would be to be skilled in all of them, to be excellent strategists in the art of justice, wisdom, courage, humanity …

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