The 80 Best Phrases Of Star Wars

Star Wars revolutionized the world of cinema. If you are also an admirer of the saga, surely you will like to remember some of its phrases.
The 80 best Star Wars phrases

There are phrases from Star Wars that are embedded in our collective cultural unconscious. Its universe, its characters, its stories and each of its episodes are authentic icons in the lives of many people. It does not matter that George Lucas presented us with the first installment more than forty years ago. At present, the industry and the cult of these productions enjoy a very healthy force.

Star Wars quotes

The Millennium Falcon, the voice of Chewbacca, the laser swords or the bows of Princess Leia are everyday images that are combined with the already used phrases of “May the force be with you” or “I am your father.”

According to experts, the Star Wars saga acted as a cultural unifier for a wide spectrum of people. It does not matter the nationality, origin and even less age … Admirers of the original  Star Wars trilogy, as well as its sequels, spin-offs , series and games know that this production changed many things. One of them was to establish the most important and longest-lived fan community seen to date (with permission from Star Trek ).

Let us therefore know the most significant Star Wars phrases.

1. Family issue

We all remember Luke practicing his telekinesis skills or suddenly discovering who his sister was… The Force was always a common component in his genes.

2. The character of Han Solo

A former smuggler in Jabba’s service, he eventually became one of the most prominent leaders in the Alliance to restore the Republic. Han Solo’s personality and charisma are hard to forget.

3. The lessons of the great Teacher

Among the phrases of Star Wars, it is impossible not to mention the great teacher Yoda. His lessons emerged as a whole philosophy of life for many people.

4. The fan favorite

Of all the Star Wars phrases there is one that has remained forever in the collective imagination: may the force be with you.

5. The demand of a father to his son

The dark side of the Force can be very tempting, especially if your own father tries to draw you to it …

6. Control of emotions to master the Force

From fear to aggression there is only one step, and the Jedi who is drawn to those emotions will be seduced by the darker reverse side of the Force.

7. The unforgettable Princess Leia

We all adore dear Chew, but also, the indomitable character of Princess Leia.

8. Last of the Skywalker Bloodline

Ben Solo or Kylo Ren was undoubtedly one of the most interesting characters in the Star Wars saga. Being the grandson of the Sith Lord Darth Vader and the last of the Skywalker bloodline makes him hard to forget.

9. The importance of honor

Honor is the cornerstone of every Jedi, and Obi Wan Kenobi taught it to us throughout his life.

Darth Vader symbolizing the phrases of Star Wars

10. The importance of the present moment

All Jedi training emphasizes the importance of placing the mind in the present moment, letting go of thoughts to allow instinct to emerge.

11. The student becomes a teacher

Yoda’s death at 900 was one of the saddest episodes. This is one of the most remembered Star Wars phrases because suddenly we saw how the student finally became a teacher.

12. Star Wars phrases: the reverse of the Force

Although the Force is that energy that binds everything together, its dark side is more than just a disturbance. It is an unnatural disturbance of balance.

13. A very special android

Whoever was a protocol android, he was always famous for that negativity and insecurity that always contrasted with the bravery of little R2.

14. The hardest training

Yoda’s training for young Skywalker was undoubtedly one of the most famous in movie history. We all remember him going on Luke’s back.

15. You are what you think

The phrases of Star Wars are still a compendium of tools for personal growth.

16. The eternal temptation …

The dark side of the Force always stands as that seductive weapon that promises to offer immeasurable power.

17. The pain of betrayal

Among the Star Wars phrases you cannot miss the one referring to Obi Wan’s lament for the transformation of Anakin Skywalker into the Dark Lord of the Force.

18. Queen Amidala

We all remember Padmé Amidala, the queen who rose as one of the most decisive voices for peace in the last days of the Galactic Republic.

19. Star Wars phrases. A prophecy

“Someday I will be the most powerful Jedi of all time.”

-Anakin Skywalker-

Indeed, we cannot deny that Anakin became one of the most powerful figures in the Galaxy. Only on the wrong side of the Force.

image to represent yoda's phrases

20. The meeting

In Star Wars, as in life, we see the evolution of many characters and how everything they have experienced leaves their mark in one way or another.

21. Star Wars phrases. You mark your destiny

Among the most classic Star Wars phrases, there is no shortage of those that refer to the importance of forging our own destiny. Whoever leaves the future to chance has no control over its reality.

22. Han Solo in all its essence

Solo’s sympathy and slyness were known throughout the Galaxy.

23. True greatness

Violence, conquest and death are not synonymous with strength, especially for a Jedi.

24. Star Wars phrases: the key to knowledge

Yoda’s teachings transcend beyond the screen. At the end of the day, many times we find ourselves in the obligation to reformulate everything we have learned

25. Hope

Who doesn’t remember the hologram of Leia asking Obi Wan for help? A whole classic.

26. The power of emotions

That was perhaps one of the reasons why Anakin ended up turning to the dark side of the force: his inability to control his emotions.

27. Star Wars phrases. The disappointment

Addicts to the saga will immediately know how to locate one of the most popular phrases of Star Wars …

28. The balance

In the Universe, the Force starts from balance and in it, light and darkness are equally combined.

29. Star Wars phrases. Rebellion

No rebellion makes sense without a clear end, without that transformation that hope itself brings.

30. The broken heart

The relationship between Padme Amidala and Luke Skywalker is one of the most exciting as well as sad in the Star Wars saga.

31. Hope

Recall, Supreme Leader Snoke was responsible for Ben Solo ultimately choosing the dark side of the Force.

32. Star Wars phrases. Union make force

“We are not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them. “


Friendship, camaraderie and the illusion of fighting together for the same purpose is a continuum in the Star Wars saga.

33. Self-control

Count Dooku of Serenno was one of the most interesting antagonists of the entire George Lucas-directed production.

34. Listen to your instincts

Other of the most classic phrases of Star Wars. Obi Wan reminds Anakin that what we see is not always what it seems.

35. Star Wars phrases. Those who dominate the Force

The best Jedi belong to the brighter side of the force.

36. United to the End

The important thing, no doubt, is to all follow the same high purpose.

37. Question of principles

Pride is a bad companion on life’s journey.

38. Goodbye

This is how Star Wars: Episode IX The rise of Skywalker was announced in 2019 during its premiere.

39. Star Wars phrases: nothing is written

“Difficult to see; always in motion is the future ”.


The future is that entity that nobody can foresee and that can change at the least anticipated moment.

40. The true wisdom

Knowing how to let go and practicing detachment are two exercises of wisdom in any circumstance.

41. And why not?

This is one of the most famous Star Wars phrases, mugs and t-shirts have been made from it.

42. A stainless friendship

The dialogues between C3PO and R2 are another great classic.

43. Star Wars phrases. Law of life

There are things that no one can control no matter how powerful one is perceived.

44. Female intuition

Han Solo was right: it is impossible to hide anything from female intuition.

45. Star Wars phrases. Faith is relative

We all remember this scene in which Darth Vader ended up taking the breath away from one of his soldiers after he doubted his words.

46. ​​The wish of the dark side

Emperor Palpatine’s words were always very threatening.

47. The love of a Jedi

Anakin Skywalker always valued the value of affection in his childhood and early youth. Things changed when the reverse of the Force ended up conquering his heart.

48. Partners until the end

Lando was always one of the Republic’s best allies and Han Solo’s best friend.

49. Star Wars phrases. The real purpose

Saving what you love and what you believe in, that is the key and one of the most representative Star Wars phrases.

50. Courage of the Jedi

Obi Wan Kenobi’s bravery is known to all.

51. The wisdom of a senator

“Life is not without pain, but it is important that we know how to handle that emotion, such as joy, confusion or triumph. Life is more than the time that passes before death; it is the sum and total of everything we do with it ”.

Let’s admit it, Star Wars phrases are veritable compendia of wisdom.

52. Loneliness

Master Vergere was a fosh Jedi Knight in the final days of the Galactic Republic. His words were endowed with great meaning and significance.

53. Star Wars phrases. Home

This proverb of the native humans of the planet Corellia is not without truth  .

obi wan

54. Let’s keep our distances

We all remember the character of the unforgettable Rey.

55. A little humor

Who doesn’t remember this comment from Leia to Luke Skywalker?

56. The phrase before the kiss

This sentence was the comment prior to the first kiss between Leia and Han.

57. One of the most famous declarations of love in cinema

Filming anecdotes tell that Harrison Ford’s response was improvised.

58. The Golden Android

Other phrases from Star Wars that refer us to that moment when the little Ewoks took C3PO as their god.

59. Beware of deep emotions

Lord Darth Sidious always tempting to awaken the most adverse emotions.

60. Star Wars phrases. A prophecy

This is one of the most prophetic Star Wars phrases.

61. The meeting

Few moments were more exciting than the encounter between Rey and Luke.

62. We are the hope

The words of the Resistance were always inspiring.

63. To reflect

Queen Amidala’s reflection undoubtedly contained profound truths.

64. Star Wars phrases. True friendship

The friendship between the two androids is one of the best memories we have of the saga.

65. Live by and for ours

Those are the best rebellions, those in which you serve and defend your own.

66. Star Wars phrases. Follow instinct instead of possibilities

Among the funniest Star Wars phrases you cannot miss this dialogue.

67. The time has come

The moment for which everyone was prepared also came from the hand of Jyn, that fundamental young woman of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

68. Revenge

The dark side of the Force always moves for two purposes: revenge and power.

69. Star Wars phrases: one of the classics

Who does not remember this moment? The truth is that from this phrase they came to make doormats and had great success as merchandising.

70. Lando to Leia

Leia was always one of the most loved characters in the Star Wars saga.

71. Losses

The pain for what is no longer had and has been lost is the lock that opens the dark side.

72. The most wonderful thing in the world

Master Yoda gave us great Star Wars phrases.

73. Star Wars phrases: a very special human

C3PO was right, Luke Skywalker turned out to be someone very special.

74. The Force, in reality, is not a power …

Luke Skywalker came to measure up to Yoda himself as a teacher.

75. Size does not matter

It doesn’t matter that Yoda was 26 inches tall, his greatness was given him by strength.

76. The manipulation of tyrants

Tyrants are the great manipulators of the masses.

77. Star Wars phrases: this is how the Jedi wins

That is the difference between the strength of the Jedi and the dark strength of the Sith.

78. A farewell

The love between Han and Leia was always very special.

79. Travel through space

Han Solo piloted the Millennium Falcon like no one else.

80. Quotes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens

We conclude our list of Star Wars phrases with one of the most classic, the one in which the granddaughter of the dark Sheev Palpatine discovers the power of her own lineage; the one that will sooner or later force her to have to choose the correct path of the Force.

It is clear that this is just a small compilation of all the legacies of fascination and wisdom that a saga has given us   and that each one has their favorites. However, it is clear that deliveries and series are constantly growing and that soon, we will have more texts, more stories and characters to admire …

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