The Art Of A Good Kiss

Do you want to improve your kisses? Here we give you some keys that, over and above your tastes, can help you master the true art of a good kiss.
The art of the good kiss

What better sign of love or attraction than a good kiss? This gesture involves three of our senses: smell, touch and taste. Thus, it is one of the gestures of love that awakens the most sensations. And it is that, in addition, each kiss is different. Thus, each person likes, or feels like, at a given moment, a different type of kiss. However, there are certain techniques that will make each one of them unique and that you will master the art of a good kiss.

The seconds before the kiss

If there is something that can be more exciting than the kiss, it is the seconds before. The eye contact that occurs, the alteration of breathing and the simple fact of knowing that the kiss is coming. All our senses are on the surface, waiting for our lips to finally meet.

It is interesting to lengthen this moment as much as possible, but being careful not to overdo it. The ideal is about 3 seconds. It’s enough time to release endorphins and get your heart racing before unleashing your passion.

The lips

It is recommended that the lips are hydrated and slightly moistened before the kiss so that the sensation is much more pleasant. Once contact has been made with the other person, it is important to properly handle the lips.

To be a master of the art of good kissing, begin by kissing softly and sensually, without pressing your lips together. In this way, the synchronization with the other person will be better, as it gives an opportunity to see how the other person likes it and to discover himself little by little. If you want, you can move on to a more intense, firm and passionate kiss.

Many people, at this point, start to insert their tongue a lot or make sudden movements. However, to give a more intense kiss it is not necessary. Continue to pay attention to the lips and, if requested by the body, increase the pressure, the suction or gently bite the lips of the other. Still, this is a matter of taste. The main thing is to feel or know what you both like.

Also kiss with the body

At the same time that we are kissing, it is also important to play with other parts of the body. Although without going overboard. There are areas that are really sensitive such as the neck, hands or waist. If we are able to put our hands on them and brush them with our fingers, the sensation can become much more pleasant.

Likewise, how we hug or hold the other can increase the pleasure of the kiss, as well as serve as another tool to communicate the desires of each one.

Above all, it is important to maintain a posture that allows you to feel comfortable and that allows the necessary closeness, as well as freedom to be able to separate, caress, etc.

Let him know that you are enjoying it

From time to time, you have to take a break even to take a breath, so in some of them it is not a bad thing to take advantage of the occasion to tell the other what the kiss is enjoying.

To do this, you can say it directly, or look at him with a furtive look and a somewhat mischievous smile. In this way, the other party will realize that you are enjoying it, and thus they can continue to gain complicity, security and pleasure.

In short, the art of a good kiss is not only about knowing how to move your lips (which too). Rather, it is necessary to know the couple or know how to read if they are enjoying themselves or where they want to take them. Of course, for this it is essential that both people feel comfortable and want to do so. As always, it’s about having good communication.

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