The Best Ideology You Can Have Is A Strong Network Of Friends

We are all different, and that also includes our opinions. Letting ideologies destroy lasting and valuable relationships can be a huge mistake. We invite you to read a reflection about it.
The best ideology you can have is a strong network of friends

I’m going to allow myself a daring, because I’m going to ask you something: Don’t argue with people you care about because of your ideology. Do not think that by thinking differently about a subject that person who has seen your tears and your joys is further from you.

Don’t get into endless discussions with people you care about to show that your opinion is truer or your reflection is bolder. Do not build a wall of distrust towards people who have seen your soul by believing that their ideas can attack yours.

Do not destroy a true friendship that has not damaged life or time, by different ideas about the same life, because it is not worth it. As you argue and fill with resentment, those who create those divisions toast and smile at each other.

Perhaps you can have visions of the world that seem antagonistic but if you love and respect each other, if you laugh and your company enlightens you; Ask yourself if it’s really worth destroying that because of an invisible gap that drives you away.

The best ideology in life is based on the facts that you show and show yourself

There is a basic mistake that we all make when communicating: sometimes we really think that all the words we hear are born from the truth of someone else’s heart, when in reality they only come from their lips.

Sometimes we ourselves say things without thinking, we give our opinions out of ignorance or simply because we believe that in order to define ourselves we must give an opinion on everything and make ourselves more visible to others.

We confuse simple words or gestures with a declaration of intentions, with harmful comments, and we personalize the opinions of other people in ourselves and in what we have experienced.

Talking and conversing with friends about various topics is necessary, it is good to draw on opinions even if they are not ours and the simple fact of exchanging them is therapeutic, eliminates stress and allows us to see life from different perspectives.

Two dolls under an umbrella


Talking is an art that should not become a struggle, especially with those you appreciate. If there are misunderstandings, they can always be fixed with the right tone, listening and never imposing your ideas on others.

Sometimes we can cross the line that separates the simple conversation and find ourselves involved in an argument in which we end up increasingly distant from those we want. But in reality we always have to keep in mind the saying of “Words are blown away” , because only with deeds do we demonstrate our intentions and our true values.

Perhaps you are attacking a person you love for something they have said when in fact on numerous occasions they have shown the opposite with their way of acting. You think he is failing you by his words when in fact he never has been by his deeds.

Perhaps that person you love is also being disappointed by your words and you are hurting them, when in reality you would do anything in life to help them and not hurt them.

There is no idea that you call at odd hours because you are sad and that you pick up the phone to help you calm down and try to understand what you want to say with your broken voice.

There is no substitute for a real mother hug when she sees you coming home from a long time away. There is no idea that it replaces the kiss and the look of your lover.


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