The Day I Started Loving Myself

The day that I started loving myself

The day I started loving myself, I could see all those things that I missed when I didn’t take myself into account. Aspects that I had stored inside me and that I never managed to imagine. I realized how valuable it was and above all that it had to tell me. The day I began to love myself I could see myself through the mirror and curiously, I liked what it gave me back. And from there, I was aware of how important I am to me.

The day I began to love myself I realized that I did not need anyone and I banished the fear of abandonment and rejection. Because I don’t need the others but rather I prefer them by my side. Since then I appreciate all the people around me much more. Now I am clear that they do not fill any gap because if something is missing, it is not completed with what is outside but with what is inside. Relationships do not fill gaps, they simply accompany, give affection and create moments.

My rhythm of life changed the day I started loving myself. I went from being on tiptoe at full speed to being present with my feet on the ground. Now I enjoy the moment and instead of not waiting, I live the waiting making it intense and much more fun. Just that day my vision of love also changed. Now I know that loving is also accepting faults and knowing how to rectify and that loving oneself in some way implies supporting oneself and realizing that we are not perfect. In fact, I realized that self-love takes a lot of long-term work.

The day I began to love myself I began to bet on me so as not to leave myself aside. Also, that same day I understood that my decisions are what have led me to where I am today and I like it, with my pros and cons, but I like where I am and of course how I am.

Woman hugging

Searching outside is sometimes not the solution

Loving me is the best decision I have ever made. Thanks to her I know that only when the constructions, repairs and internal renovations have been completed, will I be able to go outside to look for materials. It is essential to have everything well furnished and without any broken partition. My thoughts and emotions, all my behaviors are what make me who I am with my surroundings. So when something goes wrong I have to look first inside and then outside.

Maybe looking outside for something and not finding it is a sign that I’m looking in the wrong place. Sometimes giving up works too. Beginning to love me has taught me. And not only that, but also that I have a long way to go. But it doesn’t matter because I have the best motivation: to be the best version of myself, that is, to practice self-love every day of my life.

Woman making the shape of a heart with her hands

Loving me is not being selfish

Loving myself is not selfish or narcissistic, but simply a fundamental aspect that prompts me to realize how I really am and that helps me to be happy. Because if I love myself, I don’t need to be superior or compete; neither to be the best but simply to improve and advance towards my goals.

The day I began to love myself I enjoyed it and since then, I have lived with enthusiasm. I love myself and I say it loud. I am not afraid, I protect myself and let myself go, I appreciate the outside even more and I enjoy being surrounded and being loved, but not because I feel less and need it, but because I enjoy it and experience it with intensity.

The day I started loving myself was magical. I only wish that I got to you so that you begin to feel how magnificent or magnificent you are; so that you discover everything that you have inside and that you do not show out of fear and above all, what you can enjoy in your own company. I already started to love myself, and are you ready?

Heart drawn on a window pane to represent platonic love

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