The Eyes Will Never Need Subtitles

The eyes will never need captions

The eyes of a laughing child are the reflection of the most sincere and unruly happiness. The fiery gaze of someone caring for a loved one is little more than an open book. Human beings speak with our eyes, and this is a language that does not need words or subtitles : only the power of emotions that are born from within.

The eyes are also the most powerful indicators of our state of mind, and not only that, according to several studies, many of our intentions, whether good or bad, can also be sensed in our gaze. They are the best channel to tune in with our peers, to show affection, repulsion, fear or discomfort.

An aspect that always usually arises, inevitably relating it to psychology, is the look, is if someone can deceive with their eyes. The answer is yes, however, they are usually people with a great command and control of non-verbal language. We invite you to learn more about this interesting topic.

eyes with light beam

The eyes and the mystery of the pupils

Eckhard Hess was a psychologist and ophthalmologist to whom his wife indicated something that caught her attention while she observed him reading in bed. Lost in her interesting reading, Mrs. Hess noticed that the pupils of her husband’s eyes widened at certain moments to contract again the second.

Intrigued by what his insightful wife had observed, Dr. Eckhard Hess did not hesitate to do a little experiment the next day with his “male” students at the University of Chicago in those years of 1943. The test was simple: he offered them a The book, and among the pages, some pictures of Playboy girls were hidden. There it was, instantly that unexpected visual impact produced a fascinating pupillary dilation.

Eckhard showed that the autonomic nervous system, in charge of regulating involuntary actions, is closely related to emotional power. When through our eyes we perceive information valued as interesting -as was the case- or we have an enriching conversation, our pupils dilate. The same thing happens when our gaze suddenly “stumbles” on something exciting, which we like or attract: the eyes are set by that black sea of ​​our pupils.

green look

The mystery of the pupils has always been a fascinating subject that has basically taught us two things: the first is that dilation is not produced solely by the lack of light. The second is that the pupils are intimately related to our emotions and that  their dilation is an involuntary act, it is the purest and most complete reflection of our drives and feelings.

One aspect that is also interesting is the one demonstrated at the University of Cambridge by Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen. Thanks to various tests carried out over several years, it was found that women are much more adept at deciphering the emotions and intentions of another person by interpreting only their gaze.

Both men and women obtained similar scores when interpreting non-verbal body language. However, the eyes are always that veiled universe, but loaded with meanings, that a skilful feminine gaze senses and deciphers.

It seems that sometimes, it does come true that the gaze screams everything that the heart is silent …

couple with closed eyes


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